Saturday 25 May 2013

Brits And Small Gt Britain. BLOG 20

          Yeah men and women !Well to be candid with you guys,am not at all excited as I am forever still grieving my one and only dearest mother.I only did the yeah thing to create an excited start to this piece today.Ok now,the  paragraphs below is essentially about the above topic.
           Love me or dislike me,Britain as a nation is saying I am great,the nation is priding itself as one that has been around even before the 1st century calibration of data.Candidly speaking,there are things you can or cannot understand about me as a powerful sterling horse nation.Starting with BB as a service rendering concept, you wonder why BB named?? BB as it is, stands for Bread & Breakfast.Why called Bread & Breakfast?,it simply doesn't make any literally sense whatsoever,not even to the closest point of correction.One might think that BB would mean Bed and Breakfast after all you are transmitting and you are seeking a place to lay your head through the night, and the following morning you are up and running with a served breakfast of mushrooms, bacon(I hate it though,cancer risk), toasted bread (English styled), egg(scotched) and a possible no sugar ,(my style), hot crazy tea.That's it! breakfast served!!
           After laying in your bed, warmed up in a duvet all night , tusked-in after a very hot shower bath possibly in a standing format or having a bath sitting on a tub.That is simply BB- Bed and Breakfast.The other possible BB meaning could be Bread & Bacon, signifying a representation of tee total breakfast.But why BB has always and remain since maybe the  fight for Britain( 2nd World War)  means Bread & Breakfast and there is no move by hand from any Parliamentarian to change the meaning,giggling, then you wonder the  uniqueness of the name and archaic confusion of the concept and  franchise.To say the least BB is primordial , confusing and all together funny when you come to terms with the fact that it means Bread & Breakfast.Bread is a part of Breakfast and Breakfast has to do with bread, so why BB? especially knowing fully well that someone needs accommodation as well.There is no relevance and reference whatsoever to the accommodation aspect of the deal.That's Britain, mighty small Island ruling and running the world with tiny bits of blunderous franchise conceptualised names/brands.Funny 'init'?
           Going to work in 2006, on a Friday morning to and fro evening.Stratford, opposite to the train station - the main high street road was a normal free flowing traffic.Nothing changed, went normally.Next Monday a.m, just over the weekend, all changed ! I thought I missed the way,missed the city itself, missed the country as a whole.Why and what could 've possibly happened? ,over night during the weekend, all changed , road traffic signs disappeared...a lot of Zimbabweans call traffic signs robot, why? they said it is computer.Hmm so traffic is now called robot? sounded like Robo cop by Arnold Schwarzenegger to me.Some kinda digital revolving industrial chain machinery.Right, back to our earlier line of story discourse...Stratford changed, the bus stops all changed too.Vehicles all moving one way direction only, it was a dual lane on the Friday previously.Thinking in my head, is this Europe or some sorts of chameloneonic technology.Well I obeyed, I got myself thinking again that my bro. once told that Tokyo city and its vicinity can be changed overnight due to tech know-how.So I concluded that maybe that is what Stratford is about now.The thing is I got the feeling and query that if a development is to be made, but what is the point of making a road which in the previous 48 hrs was a dual carriage to become a one way traffic.Hmm I concluded, that's Britain, great, love it, accept it.Sometimes I reflect on the Right- Handed steering system.Britain is the pioneer nation among such user nations.Frankly, everyone  respects it.It is conservative and traditional.Everyone gets used to it as the legal road culture and signs.Each road driver has to obey the accepted norm but does it stop one from thinking about the practical convenience of a possibly Left-Hand  steering system? No it doesn't.Most especially if you have had the opportunity of driving a left hand steering outside Britain perhaps on holidays e.t.c. You will see and feel the ease of navigation,negotiation and ultimate driving excitement with the all round convenience.Britain is respected and probably envied as a traditional conservative nation and it loves to remain so for eternity,as well several reasons,culturally the Kingdom as we may know is good for all its strength and might in diverse human affairs.Perhaps it been conservatory isn't a probs in any way !! Reforms,nah, nah, nah.Pride? Yes ,loads of pride is part of the deal, arrogance ? Yeah, yeah, old age ? absolutely a big fatty and robust Yes. Britain has seen it all and knows it too.Ok leave it as it is then.Same Zimbabweans come handy here with their unique ascent, ''what can wee dooo?''. ''what can wee dooo-uuu?''.Bless them , maybe that is why Rob Mugabe , has seized power from them for eternity.At a fragile old age now, can't someone in Zimbabwe just push him away from the stupid golden Presidential chair and send him straight away to a stinky ,Dettol defying Care Home? Or in a more respectful way, a Zimbabwean may as well just go perching on the same Presidential chair and tell off Robert Mugabe to shift a little bit, that he (Rob) has been sitting on that chair since 1980 ; ''is it yooooour fathers chair?  and everybody is tired and frustrated of standing aloof. ''Please we  Zimbabweans want to sit down here right now on this golden chair''! Mr Prez gimme the chair! Mr Grumpy we need it to shape things up !!
        Some Londoners, no let me say it the way some Ugandan men with ascent 'll pronounce London.Some ''Landaners'' .Ok y'all want some more jokes?? Hmm,check below:
      '' I used to eat Pasta with Strawberry Jam'' - Holly Willoughby 18 Mar. '13 This morning Show.///// No thanks Holly.Maybe we  try fish & Cornflakes together.Hahahaha.....
        Another joke? That's how I overheard someone the other day saying to an officer, that he has been defrauded of £10.Ten whaaaaat??? I was thinking to myself that the term: defraud seems too big for the sum,why didn't he just say, he has been stolen or theft of 10 quid/£s.I felt like telling the man that he is wasting tax-peeps time, he could 've possibly just asked the teen children in his caved house if they saw his Tena flying out and about his  abode,whoever last saw it flying is the thief !
       Thank you Lord Jesus Christ for all things beautiful in my life including my global readers.   Have a great weekend peeps.We are back.C'mon now, drop your comments,pls don't be stingy like the beef seller.It's me your usual host,
       He writes from White City,West London.Post coded!!