Tuesday 30 July 2013

Ashamed Of The Gospel ?? BLOG 24

                       This is precisely an absolutely close piece from my heart.It's also imperative that you should know that I am a conviction Christian or Christ follower.I sincerely don't know about being a fanatical Christian, but what I think I know is that I make conscious effort to proclaim the truth about the God that I believe in and all His mighty work.So as a reader and known/unknown friend(I may never ever meet you in person).I 'll like you to enjoy this article today.It is an almost un-usual blogging.Enjoy the ride reading!
                        Firstly, I 'll like us to start with the scripture in Rom 1:16 ''I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes''. Why did I quote that scripture? I quoted it to let y'all know that I am am personally not ashamed of the gospel truth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.So no matter how jovial, peeps' person and socio-politico I am in many of my bloggings, I like to let peeps know that I love the gospel truth of Jesus Christ.The salvation part of the gospel of Jesus Christ is quoted in the book of Psalms as such joyous power that ENABLES us to fetch water out of the wells of salvation(put aptly as liberty).
                        Now, here is the deal of this  blogging right now. I am going to be as simplistic and straight forward as the experience itself happened.I call it experience but if I don't want to be comically cheeky with y'all I 'll say it as it is: The Miraculous back to Life of Monic. Guys can I just say that I am taking the risk of blogging about this today without the prior knowledge of my Pastor. He does sometimes stumbles into reading my blog from Twitter as he is very much aware of the blog 'AmNotKiddingAmi?' But he may likely not want me to blog about this subject.Not quite sure how he considers it, subjective or objective.Apparently objective in nature in my view,as he also.I know that in as much as he doesn't like publicity, he also would prefer me not to give the names and places of our church.
                        The fundamental reason for the above is that our local Pastor doesn't believe in any form or practise of prosperity messaging.He is also very careful about miscontruling people into taking the glory of God.All the local Pastor believes as I humbly do also is that the name of God only should be praised and only God should all glory belong.But I am effectively risking sharing this experience with you guys  because I want people to give their life to Jesus Christ, which I know as the gospel truth of God's life. I can understand that my local Pastor can stumble into this blog anytime, in as much as I do respect him, I 'll like to be a bit cheeky to share this with you all.Hopefully you 'll be blessed by the experience.
                        On sat. the 15th of Jun.2013,my local Pst who is a personal friend of mine was met to pick me up , but he couldn't and so re-arranged for someone to deputise for him.What happened? He was pruning the branches in  a big tree that is in his cul-de-sac house, and as expected he was using a relatively new Ladder to do the climbing.The ladder itself crumbled on itself and broke into irreconcilable pieces.The question is, where is the climber? The docile Pastor fell so hard beyond believe on his forehead, left arm and rolled vigorously on the nearby concrete hard slabs in the garden.His wife wasn't at home and all his four elite brilliantly grown up children has over the recent years lived on their own.He had multiple , triple surgical stitches in a quarter of his facials , back, arm.God Almighty was definitely his rescue.Two Sundays running until just last Sunday, he wasn't able to do the pulpit calling job, that he loved so much with a passion.That gives you an insight about the gravity of the fall.
                        Right this is the main deal .Next day the 16th of June(sunday).I was sitting in the front middle roll as we normally do.I 've been a front roller since my first day of school in life, because I like to grab everything.Well same attitude I carry onto the church services.'Haha afterall I am not going to be asked to pay for the vintage posit, big boys don't and can't pay God, no way,ain't a cinema'.....kidding with a laugh.Anyways, service started , sharp 10 am; trust English people and time! Praise and worship song, exciting day, black people bouncing with their flamboyant Afro/ Carribean traditional clothings.White people donning with T- shirts  and trousers.Other white guys even wearing combact short-knickers combined with mere flip-flops, as they can't be bothered to dress too much.Hmm! Sunshine is blasting inferno radiations, very un-usual for everyday England,'init'?
                        Now praise and worship song is over, next peeps are asked to do a hand shake, warm welcoming to both new and old folks, children asked to move down to the Creche and sunday school.Then the Pastor's wife( I won't mention her name, if you got that appetite sorry, I told y'all they abhor publicity of any sort; truly humble, simple, pragmatic everyday Christian folks).She told the congregation including me, that one of her daughter's friend just died, for no apparent diagnostic cause of death.She therefore re-emphasised that the congregational members of the church should endeavour to trust in God and ensure that they serve God in truth and in spirit, just as the church just did in worship.The reason according to her is because no one knows when the Lord is coming, may call anyone home, neither do anyone knows the Lord's second coming to earth.Well, everyone listened ardently.I in particular listen so attentively, because  I like her ascent and she is my friend.Her simplistic delivery of the Word is fab, more so she works as an academia as my humble self, we connect mentally in lots of ways.
                      Then comes the stage, where the deputy for the resident Pastor was to deliver the most basic sermon for the day.The sermon was a bomb and as simple as submitting the entirety of ones life to Jesus Christ, the son of God Almighty.Simple ,basic sermon for an everyday Christian, adult, kids,new comers,repentant back sliders and those seeking a new heart from sin.Lovely, enjoyable sermon.Now, from nowhere, there  was a massive bang blasting on the roof top, perhaps even, where the cross of Christ is structured beautifully on the state of the art, solidly constructed glass and brick architectural edifice.The cables on the hexagonal roof design bounced three times repeatedly.The deputising preacher in his usual calmness asked for 'peace be still'.Appealed for church members to be calm and stay on their sit as possible as they could.Seconds later, service continued as normal.Some mini-chested dudes,''don't laugh but am laughing right now'';went outside to check if it is some kinda sub-urban terrorism.Ha ha!
                     Half an hour later, I had a familiar couples voice calling out in for help: Mum,mum,oh no.Jesus help us Lord! From where I sat, I decided to do a quick 90 degrees neck turning and all I saw immediately was my close friends( a lawyer and his wife, a nurse/midwife by pro).I was moved instantaneously by the Holy Spirit as I saw the about 80 yrs old woman falling sideways to her left arm on her sit.She never fell to her face(which could 've in my opine possibly indicated a conscious,possible life).But she fell sideways and she was instantly gone.All her vital signs of life vanished,no pulse,breathe,movements of any sort visible.Her own daughter like I mentioned earlier is an NHS certified practising staff.She 'd tried to revive her mum but to no avail, then she started wailing,six other NHS nurses,medical reps including a medical doctor I suppose was in the service, all 'd tried to do CPS but to no avail.Gone she was! Just like that? dead??
                    A mere handful of us, with all humility according to God's word in 1 Peter 5 vs 6, i can vouch for myself, was really touched,moved totally to God's submission of the situation at hand; and therefore decided within ourselves individually without speaking to one another, that we 've to blank off and pray to God.I remember remaining standing where I was and declaring God's own words of life e.g the 3rd book of John in the bible e.t.c, we spoke and blasted in tongues,loud, quiet as possibly as I and others could; like we may never have done before in our lives.Frankly, a lot of ardent church members/goers with possibly 500 yrs experience of being a Christian were busy gazing at Monic and also looking at peeps like myself as if '' what does he think he is doing? ''someone has given up the ghost, you are speaking and praying in tongues; in fact unknown languages, silly cheeky men''.Well even though I could guess the reading on their faces, I didn't give a monkey neither banana. I only continued and was determined by God's grace to pray even more and of course some of my guys/ladies who strongly believe in the miracle of Jesus Christ's name, were continually speaking in tongues, quoting bible verses with absolute faith in God came to cuddle me and were encouraged to continue with the efficacy of the prayers.
                   Behold in about 15 mins plus,Monic was beginning to show signs of breathe, sneezing, coughing out, eyes slowly opening and the lips.She smiled to her daughter, son-in-law.Praise God is the next thing I started hearing, Jesus Christ must be praised.The entirety of the church was suddenly light up in beaming smiles,laughter, cheers and jubilation's.Am pretty sure that even the initial 'no faith-ers',God forgive me here..started running around like headless chicken,rejoicing.Back to the gist, two NHS medical ambulances arrived, having been called-in urgency by two different people in desperation to save a buoyant life.People were relieved, sweating.I was amazed by God, even though I knew that God is able to bring her back to life as I and others 've absolute faith in God.One of Monics daughters had literally drove mad to church within the hour of incidence, and cried to conclusion that her lovely mum was gone.She wailed so badly with annoyance.
                  Tell you what? I was moved to speak and pray in tongues because I felt that if someone who walked on her own to church died inside the church service, it may be highly scandalous to the church and of course the body of Christ.Firstly, unbelievers 'll never accept to be invited to the church or any other ever again and they 'll love to mock the church and discourage innocent Christians especially youngsters.They would 've loved to say ' are you going to that church where people die,where is their God? '.Infact fake competitive churches could 've possibly be found doing same mocking game.Why? because they are in lugubrious and unnecessary competition with themselves,by themselves and for themselves and not anything in the spirit of God's love for one another nor loving your neighbour as the Lord commanded in the ten commandment.But  God forbid, God didn't allow that scandal as the church and its leadership is too superb in character.Another reason would 've been the coronary enquiry and of course the excessiveness  of the BBC and other media powerhouses.It's a living church for God's glory only, I repeat only God's glory.Praise Master Jesus Christ!
                  Right, do you still doubt the existence of a true living God? do you believe in Jesus Christ? are you in occult? do you practise satanism? do you think of yourself as a personality with a demi-god? do you practise witch crafting? well that was an eye-witnessing testimony I was blessed to see for myself.The old lady was discharged many hours later, 2 days later when I enquired about her, her son-in-law texted back to me that the gracious old lady went shopping at Tesco's.Friday same week, she continued to be out and about, and jetted off on holidays to Jamaica.Do you know why? because when God give you a life back, its a double miracle of renewed strength and vitality.God perfects all things great and beautiful.He is the  ever awesome God.Guys there's no point lieing to you, He is practical with our lives. Y'all knows that I am the guy next door, I don't give neither a monkey nor banana's but I can give cornflakes if you need it.I'll tell you as it is.Accept the Lord as your Saviour today.Just remember I am your guy next door, no gimmicks, just me as always.Many thanks for painstakingly reading through the end of this.
                 Your Host!
Hey pray that my resident Pastor 'll not be annoyed that I 'd blog about this.Hahahehe!It's a great testimony to be shared anyway,our lives are like a city set on the mountain top;so says the holy bible.I said praaaaaaay!!



  1. Hi there, so I took the time tonight before heading out of Blighty tomorrow to read your new blog article.So in reply I could start by saying I am a "conviction being", in the sense that it is my relationship with my higher self, which is ultimately part of what you may call God and I would call the original source that is the most important beyond any physical relationships.

    Maybe meeting you is about learning to make the difference between the being and the path...beings can get to the same point by following very different paths.

    My main problem with the Jesus Christ path and many religions is that I find the words and images violent, sin, evil, guilt, judgement, wrath , jesus worshipped on a cross, God always reffered to as 'he' etc.

    But I don't want to go there into the denigration of your path and I am sorry for my maybe harsh words yesterday....what is important is where each person is in his/her true inner self and how open is the heart...many paths can lead to the same place and for me the learning for our meeting is the place and not the paths!!!

    Sleep well brother!!

  2. Cathy I love your comments.Believe me they excites me like a love driven man.Do u know why they really excites me? It's simply because it shows the purity and innocence of your heart,i mean this honestly.Be that as it may,it is also a fact that the purity/innocence of your heart is needs to be filled with the simple truth of the Omnipresence and omnipotent God,through in this case our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ..the book of john in the bible describes Jesus as the only way,truth and the life.This void should be filled not just for the fun of it but so as to prevent it running around like a yoyo,remember the English proverb'an empty heart is the devils workshop'.Now let me start by referring to the 2nd to the last paragraph of 'ur comment##violent,sin,evil e.t.c/// In Gen 6 vs 5 and I quote the bible ''The lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,and that everyintent of the thoughts of his heart was onlyevil continually'' ...when u get to verse 6/7 u 'll see that God was sorry/grieved abt man's creation and man's evil heart content and God wanted to destroy man BUT in vs 8 the bible said''Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord''.Cathy dear that grace which is has its abundance in God is what people like me and u and nearly 7 billion others are still enjoying and cruising today,irrespective of our faith and evil practices.Remember this is the bk of Genesis as in the old testament, inorder words this were the signs of the coming of Jesus Christ which eventually culminated in the new testament of the bible where Jesus was now born and through His grace all human were saved,redeemed.Now dear Cathy let me quickly take u through to 5 major meanings of grace without me sounding like a theologian.They are 1.Grace is for the Remission(forgiveness) of sins.2.Grace is reconcialiation to God 3.grace is Regeneration(new birth)4.Grace is for the Renewal of the heart & mind 5.Grace is for the reformation of character.Now Cathy let me leave you to digest these ones first and see our reply comment and then I 'll take u on a more juicy and pragmatically real life ride.Am enjoying u about all these,but remember I am not a theologist ,am just a Christian and the guy next door,somewhat an everyday geezer,u know me.So am waiting to
    see your next reply.....


    1. Ok so my reply was written on the airoplane this afternoon and now transcribed. The first thing that is difficult for me to accept is the idea of jesus being the 'only way', so every religion is sayng that their bible or holy book states that this is the only way and then we wonder why there are religious wars etc. How can this be said today, maybe when these ancient works were wrtten at that period in that place, this was the only way for those people but now this is in my opinion no longer the case. My heart does not feel like a yoyo, it feels full of love, the love and joy that took the place of the pain that I was willing to feel and let go of. I agree with disipline but self discipline, a discipline dictated by others, a religion, a teaching is not real discipline, the discipline that comes from a consciousness that has committed to the continual readjustement of creative energy in the atmic (or you would say god) dimension. This inner ecology underlying all action is true spiritual discipline.

      What you call a void or 'an empty heart is devils workshop'I agree in the sense that humanity, well I can really only speak for the places that I live and see but people tend to resist feeling their own pain and as we know what resists persists, the way to fill the heart with love and joy, in my experience is by accepting our pain, our adness, our hurts and welcoming them when they arise, feeling them and letting them come means we can then met them go and in their space comes joy and love.
      I personally don't like the word "sinner and evil" they can bring feelings of guilt and self loathing -no good for anyone as we need to learn to love ourselves to be able to love others. I agree all that you say about grace however but the road to get there can be everyone's personal road like an onion, peeling away the layers of damage and hurt and pain and anger to eventually reveal the inner self, pure and ready to sow love and work towards the best for the whole. I am aware however that alone this path is sometimes too dofficult to do and people need help, this in my opinion was the role of 'real' religion but now in our modern world this can take many different forms.Howvever for me the help that one may find needs to be without constraints, without 'we are the only ones' kind of thing, without dogma, helping someone find his path towards freedom is about setting them free not saying this is the only way but this is maybe one way!! Who is anyone or any religion to say they are the only way?
      and now to sleep, small star!!!

  3. Am appreciative of your candid reply.And I must say that I heard and respect your opine. Acceptance is another hard ball play....I know u 'll smile about this! Ok now just know that of all who has come and gone since the history of the world and mankind, am not going to mention names #just think, all died and never resurrected in ascencion to heaven.But praise God Jesus Christ died for the sins of man and He was killed by the same people he died for.But on the 3rd day He ascended up to heavenly places.Another proof of the supremacy of Jesus Christ is the holy trinity..God the son,God the father and god the holy spirit.Yeah baby,other beliefs don't 've that.The Holy spirit is our messenger,enabler.The son is the one that came down to earth as a human to die for our owns sins through remission/cleansing.God the father is the God head..the omnipotent God,omnipresence,the one that predistinated us even before we were conceived in our mums womb.Are you with me dearest? Do u like some more facts and proof; alright lets go..
    God said in Isaiah before me, there is no other god.# notice the small letter g.That's in Isaiah 45 verse 21.Now this same Almighty God that I am talking about said in Is 46 vs 10 as one that sees the end from the beginning of our lives.How great is that? so cool isn't? and check plus read further in that same verse 10 God said:''my counsel shall stand''.Inother words God's WILL must and will be done in our lives.More-like saying the originality of our destiny will be achieved in our lifetime through God's grace, no matter how much struggle or lies from the devils manipulation.God's WILL as in counsel shall stand in our lives.Amen! Can I hear you say amen as well pls.
    Alright,need some more? Let's do the practical steps dear.I 'll like you to pray for humility, as God suggested in 1st peter 5 vs 6.Through humility all blessings flow from God, no matter what you are asking from God.Start and pray for humility. step 2. Pray for Wisdom and understanding, inother words pray for God's wisdom and understanding to take you to your heart desires achievement.Now this could be found in the book of Job in the bible.The bible quotes there, that the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, and to depart from evil is understanding.So dear pray for wisdom & understanding from God about God and all that u do.Check out God's faithfulness to us in His word in Is 45 vs 23 where God had to swear by Himself remain faithful to keep us.Right,start with this prayer lines and come back to me in 3 days.But in the mean time u can always drop any reply comment to me here.If u go by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour you 'll 've a major testimony and breakthrough, am telling u.This God is faithful,He had to swear by Himself because all othe gods are small before Him and grossly irrelevant.Now am waiting for your reply...pls don't forget Christianity is not a religion, it is a way of life.Yeah baby # cheeky me,i do all these yeah baby thing so that u 'll know that am an everyday bloke who believes in a sovereign God.Now that's another topic for another days yakking...I just love doing this with u, I see u in fying colours.Am waiting for 'ur reply....

  4. Hi First comment that I can't help but say is you are speaking to a wild WOMAN Brother, what you call omnipresent God is for me the life in all things, what you call the evil of humanity is what I would call actions that are not life nurturing.

    BUT God the son,God the father and god the holy spirit....I cannot be OK with this, like I have already said, the trinity for me is the inner hearth, the living inner man (in eachof us, of course - man and woman) who sows the seeds of coherent creativity on earth, the living inner woman who nurtures the creative project (it may be a child or not) and the holy spirit is in fact the realisation of the coherent earthly and divine project. Please don't quote me this misogynist interpretation of the divine, it is as if I start to give you stuff where all is seen through white man's eyes!!

    I am a bit sad now...and don't forget the wild women, who love all living things and are in tune with nature where killed in Europe, 9 million of them by the church over several centuries...they wre not worshipping Satan, they were in tune with the divine and living spirit of nature, of the plants, they wre true, simple healers...I am one of these women brother.

  5. Secondly, I am very stubborn and independant and don't like being told what to do...I do always ask for wisdom and understanding and humility is a natural part of being connected to one's higher self and a life of devotion.
