Tuesday 27 August 2013

The World Isn't Complex,People Are.BLOG 25

        Certain individuals tend to relate and deal with you based on their idealogical perceptions, understanding and spontaneous conclusions on you.More often than not they get it wrong, totally.Such peeps tend to do things and act according to how they navigate you with the crucible of their minds.Note here that their own mindset is already a crucible, now they raise the temperature of the crucible mind and together come up with a sum total of who they want and think that you are as a person.It is worse when they know that you as an assessed person is a man of faith, an ever forgiving personality.Equiped with this factual reality, they simply resolve and long to continually do wrong propositions to you the vulnerable here.If it hurts they don't care an inch.
        I do conspicuously remember this lovely Uncle of mine,who has since passed onto greater glory; who was fond of saying that if anybody does evil act aginst him with a view to apologising, that he(my Uncle) will also quickly do evil attitude against the offender and smartly apologise too.Laughing! Perhaps it worked for him back in the day.Honestly I am pretty sure that I don't believe in that school of thought, well maybe that is why this present generation has gone talibanic in attitude and manners.
        I as an individual has come to a posit in life whereby I don't give a monkeys about anyone who lack grace in their being.They are free to resolve whatever they deem fit to resolve about my personality.What in the world do I care about such peeps, who get their 'effect' without a resultant, knowing fully well that the normal stream of lifes event is suppose to be resultant effect or better still causative effect, but they choose to do it their own way e.g Frank Sinatra's I' d it my way.Well, in all humility I am a class act in the real world, online and landline if you don't mind all the lines whatever, laughs!
        Each person in this globe has gotto be themselves.You 've gotto be you. I am me.We as individual humans has to be ourselves like the gorgeous craft from the Almighty creator of all creations.Why should I be someone else, least you.And why would anyone in their insanity desire me to be them? The God of all creations is the God of order and not and 'll never be the author of confusion.Anyone maybe uptight with their trivialities uphead, but that is their world and not mine. Friends, we got to be simple , the path of simplicity is honourable, just, realistic, sweet, joyous, peaceful and has a predestined delivery.
         I 've learnt both in the hard way et al to make myself proactive in my thoughts.I won't do any thinking for another adult and clearly I expect same.The world is full of distractions and self contracted distractors, but I cannot give into that.It's absolutely imperactive to know that the devil 'll rather prefer to use people who are most closer to you, whether in the past or present.That's the reason you should useyourheadot.com at all times.People have to learn how not to trade with other peoples life stories.You are only privy to know bits of it, just ponder how you 'll be act if you were to know all the vibes about someone,nuts?
        Can we just say that if you abuse the priviledge of the know by trading, well that's definitely your calamity James.(Ha,ha, any English premiership fan in the house?).You 'll get yours without surviving, its called the law of nature.Fact speaking, I recall a couple of years ago, when Telesales was envouge and I wanted to install some Sat Tv device in my house, there was this squeaky vocal and over-ambitious young man who for no justifiable reasons said to me that I cannot turn down the deal offer, why? I anxiously asked, he said because even though I 've not paper signatured it, but I 've verbally made a commitment and deal with him.
       Trust me, I literally jumped, summersaulted on my end of the phone and told him with the most thunderous voice, that where in the world is such a law existing? As a elite I dismantled him like an aircrash with words, I even went into legal citations and he quickly beckoned; and invited to the phone his Area manager.Who consequently started an immediate apology, blaming youthful exuberance as the demon.This is the attribute of certain individual lone species who trade priviledge positions of trust.
        Do not trade the life events or eventualities of peoples stories, the reason been that, it is the real life's intellectual property of the owners.It should not be shared, traded or voiced by any means possible, because if you do, you are obviously privatising the personal business of others.Moreso , you are grossly violating their lifes spaces.It is not funny and shouldn't be.Everyone on the earth's surface has a life story and history.People are wise enough to pretend and act as if they don't know yours but the truth is, it's just all about self respect and not wanting to juxtapose your personal spaces.We live in a free world of Wifi and Tweeters, word of mouth, cell phone.Violating priviledge story lines is not a form of democracy or ingredients of a free glo-society.
       You as a spreader and shredder have got worse lines too about your own decaying life, condescending is another matter altogether.To be forewarned is to be forearmed.Always be reminded that if anyone is so keen about other peoples vibes, it is all about hearing from the horses mouth or delete it from your gabbage loaded head.Too much information can cause explosives in the head, especially the unnecessary  info's.Deleting is an option of responsibility.Be responsible not to cause an imaginary California wild fire.There are quite a number of young men and women across the racial classifications who are currently undergoing mid-life crisis because they 've got dementia due to 24/7 hours of deliberating on other peoples life stories.To be demented is medically not a genetic inheritance for Afro-Carribs except the very aged ones. Though am not a medical doctor.
       I stand to be corrected for the above,  but I 've been blessed to do  allied courses as a multi pro., and in this case as a scientist .The quest as I would normally ask is this: Are we really surprised ? if a young person has gone lunae due to other peeps private vibrations? isn't that demented levels? Demented about other peeps untrue stories and celebrating their temporary challenges which obviously is part of the new age of adulthood.Its a  life's process, a stage.I 've seen individuals blamed about everything, if he is confrontational(they blame him for doing so), if he is not (he/she is blamed too for that), if someone  facing a challenge is a dialoguing person( he is said to be too Shakespearean as a fault).So  when is the balance ever right? The gospel of Jesus Christ is a profound gospel for all round aspects of human needs, that's what we need to be spreading and not the personal gospel of mere mortals as us.
      Have a great day.
                                                                Kings as always.

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