Saturday 1 June 2013

The Nigerian: A Word Of Mouth Political Self Destructive Mechanism.BLOG 21

       I guess I am writing this piece at no less a sensitive time than the dastardly recent days of terror by some lunatics who happens to be a descents from Nigeria , but obviously born and raised in London.However, it must be clear that this article has absolutely nothing to do with the dismal of recent times.There should be no place for any acts of terror in the 21st century world.In fact even if the World was in its  4th century data, terror should never have a place in the lives of the great human race.God is the absolute creator of lives and no human should kill in the name of any god.
       Many a time I look at the Nigerian lot and their mouth action destructive mechanism, all I do is to shake my head in pittance of the ignominy.One would hardly not find a Nigerian elite or bush character who isn't critically hanging the nation.I must say that most Nigerians may 've reasons and excuses to to do so due to many years of incessant bad governance and corrupt practises ,other than to be critical of the various govt.But I think it is an entirely different scenario when a  Nigerian decides without pre-caution to hang both the nation itself and the vast majority of its good people before an outsider.Permit me to say here that an outsider includes among  others fellow Africans.Apparently we all know that sometimes it's difficult to separate government officials who themselves are Nigerian citizens from the ordinary Nigerian man walking down and trading in the high street with dignity of sweaty labour.The latter is clearly without corruption as he most probably never occupied a public office or tasted political power privileges in any official posit in his life.Having clearly laid out this challenge of separation, I honestly think that Nigerians both in the diaspora and soil based should exercise caution at all times each time they lay bare the belly issues of of an ailing giant Elephant like Nigeria before Non-Nigerians.
       I  'll cite instances to buttress the fact.How on earth can one imagine a public service worker to proudly and loudly say to colleagues that if they were in Nigeria they would 've been run over by a car.Why?? she said because they cannot be tolerated with their cynical attitude towards black colleagues at  work.Here is the question: Racism and bullying is not tolerated at work but the thing that I cannot comprehend is the ferocious anger and lie of relating work place quagmire with a total lie of been ran over as a result of cynicism in Nigeria.Where is the correlation and facts? It simply doesn't add up.Nigerians that are based in Nigeria are one of the most hospitable people to visitors in the world.Frankly there are plenty of truthful facts to this as the Guinness Book Of Records (I heard from the grapevine,never had the book) in recent years,   made a survey that proved Nigerians as the happiest and most hospitable people in the world,despite abject poverty in the midst of millions of Oil barrels sold in export daily.Another realistically known fact is that Nigerian home-based citizens and governments gives red carpet ,celebrity welcome to tourist and visitors from everywhere in the world especially Europeans and white Americans.Its beggars belief that someone whose work ethics requires caution can broadly and proudly make such false claim about where she originally came from.In short if I was at such a scene I most likely would 've told her off big time, point blank to shut up her crappy lie.
       Secondly, I am interested in finding out through this article, to know how many times an Eastern African or Southern region African has made a false claim of such magnitude about their nation of originality? In my candid opine, you 'll be shocked that it's only the lot of certain no-brainier Nigerians who can comfortably relate such trashy vibes to non-Nigerians about their Nigerian state.Hardly would there be any other African or citizens of the globe who may act with such a verbal outrage.I'd met  all sorts of   people -Cubans, Venezuelans, Egyptians, Malawians, Swiss, Portuguese, Americans, Russians, none  talk down on their own people and nationhood.They hardly even talk drag peeps into their governance issues.Isrealites are glaring patriots too.Only 'brand' Nigerians that do talk trashy about its own people which in turn  discourages  tourists and investors.Its the most cynical conspiracy ever that I had seen overseas by a despicable few.This issue is more than just expecting all Nigerians to be patriots, it is about single handedly destroying with your mouth mechanism your own place of birth.I believe that the land deserves and commands more than a bit of respect as well as reverence.It is not too difficult to do, all you got to do is to allow your brain nerves connect with the bad odoured mouth verbalisings.
        Thirdly, suffice to say that there is no better salesman for a nation than its own citizens.Indigenous citizens to be precise.Every nation sells itself by any shape or form in the media e.t.c.But there is no no better media than the word of mouth and meeting someone or a collective group of people from one particular nation.First impressions matter, utterances also matter.Actions and deliveries, trust , competence and reliability are all vital.The traditional age old system of a good salesman till date is by the use of word of mouth.When a Nigerian sells wrong info to a non-Nigerian, that info goes viral and cyclical.Can we ask the ordinary question of how come millions of non-Nigerians know about one of the Nigerian criminal code enshrined in the Nigerian constitution as 419? How did it go viral that the fraud code in the Nigeria constitution is 419?? many Nigerians themselves don't even know that the code 419 is truly in the constitution.But I 'll like to challenge you to know that non-Nigerians know about this and for so many years now, that's the basis of distrust and bone of contention as regards why loads of people bluffs and literally criminalise Nigerians in their hearts without any practical err on the part of an innocent Nigerian.I dare say here , that you have more fraudulent practises in places as Brazil,Egypt,Ghana,Shanghai,Turkey,Indonesia,Spain,Dubai.There are apparently more international scammers in Saudi.Lots of property scammers in Dubai,Spain.I '' ll never support any form of scammering whatever shape or size.Basically I am saying that millions of Nigerians the world over are the ones themselves who literally keep hanging their nation.Its not necessarily the media mechanism of the western world as some Nigerians love to claim sometimes.Perhaps there was a time when the western media did so for several destructive and disruptive years through smearing campaigns  e.t.c. but that was predominantly more about nearly a quarter of a century years ago, but for ages now such glo-media has subsided in their antics as they probably 've seen that they 've crumbled almost beyond repair the sustainable and vibrant economic/political prowess of the entirety of Africa, not only Nigeria.In my honest opine its the mouthy tigering by Nigerians themselves that is currently doing the global harm.Responsibility do help.                                                           
          Let us think through some possible examples across the world now.South Africa is a ready example of a nation associated with juvenile rape cases on women.Same South Afro is top charted on the global violence and all male power gender acquisition,i.e women are subdued in that society like no-other place in the world.But you 'll hardly hear a South African speaking loudly and audiencing non-South Africans about the violent trends and endemic rape cases beleaguering the nation.I don't need to be misquoted here,I don't support hiding facts about societals ills.The thing is if nations are pretending about the ills of their society, then there is absolutely no-need to point fingers at other nations who basically lack structural policies.Let's listen to Jamaican born adults be it man/wo they never address non-Jamaicans about the unlawful killings and violence that do go on in Jamaica, infact Jamaicans believe and tend to represent Jamaica as the epicentre of the world.They love it and enjoys to posit Jamaica as a place that don't even need any reforms.Talk about China, the world's largest population, their human rights is increasingly depressing each year, do Chinese relate it to non-Chinese? never.Every Chinese is in denial of  human right violation and they are always defending the status-quo.Can we bring on India? I got a handful of India  friends in IT world.In a nut shell I have never seen a people that diplomatically speak with one voice about how puritanic the India nation is.Speak to two India guys at different places and time , all they will say is that the India experience is a life time achievement.What about underage sex?What about denying women their equal rights to men in society?What about child slavery and child worker viz-a-viz  paedo? No India is a world class.But can any one blame them? nope .This is simply because they are the best salesmen for their nation.No other expatriate can do a better job than themselves.
          Do anyone, non-Southern and Eastern African hear anyone from the two regions speak of the sexual health issues resident in those places? Never.A Botswana,Zimbabwean,South African,Kenya,Uganda,Tanzania 'll hardly ever speak or do a carefree or non-challant talk on Aids/HIV endemic in these places.Am sure they speak to each other about the issues perhaps in Swahili lingua franca e.t.c, they sure do; but they sure also don't ever and never speak to outsiders about such issues.England is a meeting point for the worlds people.These various people not just one race are in denial and often attempt to protect the 'integrity and imaging' of their flawed societies.Nigerians need to shut the crap and fold up their sleeves inorder to represent the good of the world and their nation.There is no need to misrepresent the millions of good people of Nigeria.It always apparently when one is invited to social parties and public seminars, any possibility of meeting  Africans will cause an instant mockery of Nigeria.They 'll make a jest of the Nigerian state and people.They go like ''All Nigerians are idolatery worshippers i.e juju worshippers,419ers,thieves, kidnappers e.t.c'' openly and you wonder in thought: how do these guys confidently lay claim to such counter-accusations over a people? The jokes are silly,noisy,loud and frustrating for all the wrong reasons.It drains you are an innocent personality.The most pathetic aspect is when one think of how the once giant of Africa had severally rescued both financially, diplomatically,international judiciary and of course politically these fellow Africans and their nations, during various national and regional crisis periods.The Nigerian army is the most formidable both in manpower numbers and equipments in the whole of Africa.The expertise and training delivery results has always been praised by the U.N, from war times in Rwanda to Sierra Leone to Darful ,the list is endless.Many Nigerian soldiers,Airforce men/women have lost their lives during crisis events in regions and sub-regions.Apartheid regime in South Africa cannot be over today, without the helping hand of the geo-political entity called Nigeria.
                               King Zore
                               Writes from W. London.Post coded ! Smile, Jesus Christ loves you as an individual!!

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