Tuesday 19 March 2013

At the Toby's one..BLOG 18

            Tuesday's  a regular  evenings with mates at Toby's Restaurant, so basically this article is the out and about with mates at Toby's.The outing starts with either of us volunteering to do the pick ups.Drew normally likes to pick me up, for certain reasons,firstly because he enjoys the cheeky side of me and he loves our endless intellectual laughs about the right/left wings of the global political divide, coupled with taking the meeky and talking realistically as proper business men.Drew is essentially a great mate , we drive in his fairly used dark coloured, 2012 Diesel Autobiograph Rover Sport 3.0SDV6 a cool £54 grand, i tease the car as a smooth running but a skipping white Horse.Here and right  now i can't praise Drew enough, an english man with a conscious awareness of the awesome omnipresence nature of the Holy Spirit.He is extremely witty and down to earth.He walks with a bow and enjoys people describing him as the replica split image resemblance of actor and comedian Ricky Gervais,who was once globally famed as the most handsome man in the world.For me i just know that some women may be gorgeous,but as per a man been handsome? i will say that i don't know.Right, all he plays in the multi-CD loader in his ride are christian music in form of calypso,jazz, soul,African contemporary music by christians including Efe.Actually ,i first heard and learnt about Efe, the Nigerian-Benin city chap through Drew and he showed it to me via Youtubing and another day i was literally having a christian music talk with buddy Scottish man Frankie when he spoke about Efe .Another time and place was when a Hong Kong friend of mine made reference about same musician/artiste.
            We got into the venue, parked at the car park, walked in,waited and all ten buddies came in.We were given the electronic device which beeps when the table and comfortable corners we desire is ready.First we stand talking to one another, take the meeky on ourselves, some talk about Rugby(i need to confess,am not a fan), some others talk about Cricket(am also not a huge fan,why? because the name sounds to me like, as if someone is calling the name:insect.Check it///Cricket, insect!).A handful of us talk about football and others narrowed it to David Beckhams moving to PSG and his entire financial dealings going to  charity organisations.One of our mates was like ''Do you know Beckhams manager must be a genius?''.Another friend queries 'how do you mean?'.The genius makes David Beckham receive more money deals, by simply publicly declaring himself  that he (David Becks) will be giving all his PSG proceeds to charity.Apparently Beckham will receive a huge financial return from other sources, e.g million dollars adverts due to the fact that he is a brand.Everyone goes muted and sober in thought.Basically wondering the possibility of our friends guess work been relevant and even true or possibly totally untrue.Well i was busy sipping my Coca Cola as i don't engage in noisy talks that may get into a blind argument forever,  most especially as Beckham and Posh are possibly sleeping peacefully in one of their numerous mansions around the globe.The cold is enough for me, i cannot afford to take-in paracetamol for a super-rich pant displaying footballer.Sorry not this outing today,you should 've tried harder before today!
            Surprisingly to me it was Max's BD.Matt is a reserve,almost quiet   buddy of ours.He enjoys playing football with us at the basketball in-door games court which we love playing each sunday evenings,honestly i 'd slipped and fell massively the other day.The birthday cake arrives and we are all wishing him a happy birthday.Max seems all joy,relax and confident because all of us his close pals are present.Then came in Sam, the slimmer married bachelor as i would describe to tease him.Sam admires my style of thinking and contributing to whatever we discuss from time to time as a whole group,so he ensures he sits nearer to me on the dinner table as possibly as he can.Frankly i am not so sure if he is married or not, but so he claims to be.He is so friendly by nature, also very playful.He can even make senior men like us to play hide and seek game.Sam also enjoys a loud laugh.A few times when we are out during winter in the car park, Sam is usually the first to throw Snow balls at me and others.So cheeky for a man.But it is all good fun.
            Jack is Drew's son, a very sweet personality.He is most of the time well behaved, not just because his dad is about; but i think it is his good nature to respect people.He is absolutely courteous in the way and manner he relates to any of us.Jack isn't the youngest among us, i think he is simply well brought up to respect himself.Once in a while he likes to express his recent experiences or escapades to us all.So on this day, he seems to have choosen to discuss a bit about the club visit the previous weekend hence he met his old high school classmate,a girl.This school mate of Jack works as a Pole dancer nowadays and according to Jack she was at work the weekend Jack attended the club.He obviously felt embarassed about the job of his ex-classmate.The Pole dancer was a normal shy chic barely 8 years ago.He said if he was told by someone that the girl is a pole dancer, he would have shut the persons mouth up and closed.When he said that we all went laughing really loud.Other families and individuals in the Cavery wondered with admiration, our gathering of laughs, gigglings and extreme excitement.Some of us actually notice certain cute dudes and birds turning their heads, as we enjoyed our meal and sipped off drinks.
              Well at some point ,while we all queued and had our roast beef,turkey,lamb, as the case maybe.Two of the men were baffled that it seems their beef slices was smaller with the new Chef serving for the evening.There is a bit of un-satisfaction about the sliced beef.I then had to chip in some words of succour , so i reminded the guys that there is no appropriate and precise  measurement to slice any form of meat.They just have to be pleased with the slices from the new chef ,everyone laughed as i 'd chipped in those words in a joking manner.Some of the men simply walked away peacefully and quitely to rejoin the long que all the way from behind, literally all over.In the process of  sipping some chilled cold drinks, Josh got choked due to his uncontrolled series of laughter and incessant giggles attempting to cover his mouth with one of his hands.His glass practically fell off his hands and so lucky for him, it didn't break on the marble floor.One of the men did say that the glass did not break because the floor is too warm with grilled temperature.Ha,ha,ha  everyone in the long que including strangers and new comers went along.
             Drew did made  what i will call a wild hilarious conversation with me when he saw someone in a que.Drew said-'the man's partner is funny'...i said-'how?' Drew-'she's just funny'..i then added-'but in what way?'.Drew replied 'Ok she is funny, i don't mean funny ha,ha'....i said  'so it means funny weired.Drew replied:'Yes funny weired, funny mad' and then i said :'i see now'..Lol we did together for several minutes.While each person walked to our sitting alloted corner, somebody reminded us that the gravy tastes goaty, another suggested that it tastes everything apart from chicken heart.I told them that when they are all gentlemanly seated the gravy will taste their respective natural ingredient characters, they all went completely hilarious.Ideally it is always a pleasure to be together as close friends and most importantly it's an excellent time with the roast dinner and puddings at Toby's cavery i must say....Watch Out for :Eastend Africana!!
                Cheers everyone!                                                                                                         
                Our Lord Jesus Christ is good all the time,have you giving Him a thought about acceptance
                today? please do.
                Your host as always...Kings OmoZore writes from ,White City;West London.
                CURRENCIES is not always about money....LOL.(1) ''i used to eat pasta with strawberry jam''-Holly Willo 18-03-2013 /// No thanks Holly,you may also like to try a bowl of Porridge & garlic spices. (2)What's the point of Academy Pri. Schools?Parents don't want it, kids don't want it, community don't want it, academic staffs don't want it, even the Squirrels in sch fields are saying they don't want it because it 'll give dem more nuts.... in my candid opine as a parent , all the pri. schools in England are great.(3)The other day, i was passing by & i overheard some1 telling an officer of  how he has been defrauded of £20.Twenty what,what???? hmm,you are wasting the officers time, just go & find out from 'ur teen kids at home/// and the big terminology 'fraud' why not just say stole or nick.CLOWN!!!!!!