Monday 11 March 2013

Towards a Better Political world. BLOG 17

       Merely having a casual conversation with somebody the other day, she said to me that you are blogging all the time ? You are just acting as a small boy (in my mind i quickly  thought to myself she is from Slovakia, she isn't an African because Nigerian ladies are quick to call older peeps small boys,oops!).Further down the conversation she said, you can't change politics if that is what you are frequently discussing there,can you? I then replied innocently and as amiable as i can ; like the docile school boy she described me to be by saying : it is not necessarily wholly about changing politics.It is about making a possible proactive contribution to the world of politics.As if she was  warming up, next she said naively that by the way do you think you alone can change the global landscape of politics?.At this point she practically sounded as a hardliner inquisitor,i replied peacefully again by saying there are millions of people out there making and playing their positive part too.Some are even more daring and vicious staging a tell off to heads of nations.Weakened in her charge, she said to me : You are not gonna make money from this.I asked: Really? Why would you think it is about money making venture in the first place.It is not about making money or not making money, it is about passion, sharing thoughts, a drive towards a better humane world.When i said that, i could imagine her shaking her head on the other side of the phone as if to say he doesn't know what he is talking about, perhaps he is truly childish in his thinking.A couple of minutes later, she took a definitive stand by letting me know that i can't change the world due to the fact that there are plenty of corrupt politicians across the societal world.Hmm i paused deeply to myself, but i reassured the me in me that i should know that there are corrupt politicians everywhere.Hmm i paused again and this time even with a deeper breathe.Her charges and stand never bothered me if i must say because the awareness that there are millions of politicians across the huge societal world does not stop people like my humble self from writing and acting to counteract and nullify their antics.I couldn't even remember for a second , until now about the saying that evil triumph when good men do absolutely nothing.
        Quite frankly ,knowledge , literacy and the application of knowledge has great strength, but what is even more powerful without the fear factor is when as a lettered person you pick up a pen to draft an untitled article for publication.You consider all things important , firstly the facts and figures, the public audience, the readers mood in a global society as ours and thirdly the consequential impacts.Once in a while you pray that the impact doesn't backfires especially in real sentimental terms on controversial topics.But what you will never consider is the fear of incarceration or any other bonkers activities.Do you know why? firstly,it is about how clear your conscience is, secondly it is about your personal conviction about the just in societal issues.Thirdly it is about the fact that you are doing a goodwill which is obviously not selfish and can possibly cause a generational shift to a movement of great mindsets.A mind for good governance and closure to global ills like mass poverty.At such times when you decide to pick up your ipad to draft a blog all that you can realise is how powerful it could be to be able to write to communicate a sane ideology to fertile- like minds for the good of the global world.There is absolutely no fear anywhere near you.Can i also say that when you believe in the Holy Spirit, that even helps you to overcome those fears the more and it further secures you.
         What is your motive , your drive , your political conviction? Once you are peaceful about all the relevant answers to all these queries the next process in your heart should be how genuine and realistic are these motives?.Are you enabling a better drive towards freeing a people? There are questions and answers.Be positive and realistic about these kind of stuffy lines.In this world there will always be good guys and bad guys.Good cop, bad cop as the saying goes.But they can be sorted once there is a will, and if you like they can be sorted once there is a political will to do so.The generic will of the people is so vital.It is never as difficult as it may seem.There is no pretence whatsoever that the political challenges facing the entire planetary societies are complex, but what is not complex is the glaring will power to sort out evil in the global society.Remember the Civil Rights movement just over 40 years ago.Today a black man is in the White House.Forget about what some confusionist are saying, that Barack isn't the first black man,he is the first mixed race Prez of the WH.Such people are clearly delusional in their silly talk.Anyway, back to the Civil Rights movement,suffice to say that the dividends of the Civil Rights movement seems to have come in a jiffy time.Yes it may look so now, because; there was a movement in the first place.It all started with one mind, one human and then a gathering of minds with a will to achieve a big dream.
          When will the above dream be achieved no one knew.Will the dream itself be achieved at all no one knew as well.Yet there was a resolved mind of a group of renaissance people to change the rules of the game in order to achieve a better and a much fairer world.I remember the lady i talked earlier on about asking me if i was blogging due to democracy and she said there is no democracy anywhere on the planet earth.That supposition from her did struck a bit of my thinking. I will humbly say that she mocked a bit of my thinking cap.Democracy not anywhere in the world??? If that is so true, how did the world get here in the first place ? The Holocaust would have since closed-in on the vast generations of the world.I arrogantly bluffed that verbal charge from her, when i simply remembered the Holocaust age where 5 million Jews and 6 million people from other race were killed, i mean that was the recorded numbers; i then concluded that she was the one that was blatantly childish.She is pink girly in her thinking and not me.I am a man and i should be manned enough to boldly define my stand on a move towards a better world.It's not a chauvinistic issue by any means possible, after all Rosa Parks was a woman.Mother Teresa was a woman also.I simply don't need any fishy smell like hers around my thinking.
          Conclusively, in rebelling against her gross liabilities and baggages i understood right away that if everyone on the globe were doing things without principles then it means that we all would have been so bored to the bone.Same deadly actions all the time.That i thought would have been described as living in a parallel world.We all would have been alien in character and practise.
                                               Thank you Jesus Christ for these thoughts and my increasing                                                                      readership views.Its amazing!
                                                                              Have a great evening everyone.
                                                                                    Could you leave a comment & name pls
                                                                                          just as feedback values.
                                                                                            Your host as always..KINGS 'Zore.
 Want some joke????
   Ok tell a typical African to pronounce the word : Axle
     He will end up sounding like he said : Ass h*le !
      Have a laugh, you gatto....
  UP COMING ARTICLES: Watch out for Eastend Africana....


  1. Hi, read one or two, too tired tonight to read more..good stuff except always the bit at the end about Jesus Christ and God...what do you mean by God?

    Have you got a facebook page??

    1. Lady Cathy!!! Wow, good to hear from you.Yeah I 'll send you a request..ain't active at the moment.Did u know that I just found myself up now after deep sleep for no particular reason and next am on this blog opening after several weeks, quite un-usual as well.Tell u what,u are so kind; I 'll tell u about God soonest and in-fact in my next blogging in just a few hrs from now.Be free to make several comments and suggestions about this blog pls.I humbly learn and listen each day.I must go back to bed now...

  2. Cathy again, its funny, I like alot of what you say and where you are coming from. But don't forget when you site the jews killed and other races, the 9 million women killed in Europe over several centuries of which chasing.
    I know what you mean when you say;

    "What is your motive , your drive , your political conviction? Once you are peaceful about all the relevant answers to all these queries the next process in your heart should be how genuine and realistic are these motives?.Are you enabling a better drive towards freeing a people?"

    and I too really feel that the heart and love must be the motivating energy behind any further planetry action...its obvious and its happening.

    With the heart we don't need anything else other than love and healing of ourselves and realigning ourselves so then we can be true to our higher selves. Jesus and all the other great beings that have walked on earth were merely being fully true to their true selves...we can all do that without being arrogant. We need to stop putting Jesus on a pedastel, he didn't want that surely, he wanted us to follow in his footsteps and be the light that we are, the same light that he is....we are all stars.

    The good guys and bad guys are more like beings that due to their life choices (maybe through many lives) are ready to evolve and those that have chosen not too (subconsciously maybe but choises however). Its happened the choices have been made, the dice have been thrown and that was what 2012 was I believe, not the end of the world but the end of a world..the shift has been made and the bad guys are just guys that are holding on to the old world and their old beliefs!!!! And don't forget a 100 people can change a nation!!

    And yes I am with you when you say that there is a "glaring will power to sort out evil in the global society"

    Good stuff brother..except I can't get my head around all the references to Jesus Christ...seems so incoherent compared to the rest, which is so coherent...which part of the brain is doing the religous stuf???

    Hope I am not being too blunt.$

    Your sister

    1. I appreciate the blunt, it's a frank talk from you Cathy.Right, you must tell me about your lecture delivered last sat. How did it go?? Lets talk tomorrow.Good night..good morning ah it's 01:36 am now...
