Wednesday 6 March 2013

Hilary-us . BLOG 16

       I have seen lot of hilarious people in this world.Had this acquittance who in an attempt to say the word captain,he ends up pronouncing a different thing entirely.He pronounces the word captain as ''caftain''.He is a football  pundit .In such times as a fresh concluded match, he is even worse  most especially if anyone dares argue with him,he will blame everybody including the whole world.Unfortunately he is an avid supporter of Arsenal fc.The thing is he sees nothing wrong with 'Prof Wenger'.In his opine the captain is the messiah for goal scoring.He will repeat the word caftain uncontrollably to the point that people will be laughing at him and  he thinks that he's winning the argument.
      There was this other dude who was a fake stammerer.Wow,what a drama king.A pundit for Ping pong.His world is the table tennis and nothing else.As he stresses his point over his verdict of a match played, everyone around must listen otherwise they are doomed for a psycho drama.There was this particular day when he was interrupted by a stranger in his ''commentary''.As my guy the stammerer was putting his point across,he was quite frankly;rudely interrupted.Hush,oh, he climaxed in anger and went kicking the floor as he continued hammering his Ping pong analysis.He hitted the floor with his foot countless number of times.Talking on top of his voice,even though everybody was hearing him clearly without complaining.He does fake up his stammering when he desperately wants to have his way.
       Passing through a country side the other time with a buddy,we saw a  speedy Fox pursuing another in a randy-like fashion.I wittingly shouted 'bush meat' and my buddy said : yes shoot it ! We bursted with so much laughter.Funny enough he is an English man.The hilarious part was that it's never ever going to be possible for a Fox to be a form of meat , not to talk of bush meat by any chance.So that got us really belly bottom cracked.
       Had this Aunt of mine, who even though she is an American elite,enjoys to be witty and cheeky.She loves saying things in an uncultured manner.She defies the rules of conventional English statements and sentences.She goes like ''the two both of you'' should come for dinner tonight.What?? a new encountering person with her will quickly ask.Then she will repeat, ''the two both of you heard me''.
        Growing up, i had loads of friends from every nook and cranny of the buzzing city.Among them was this extremely down to earth guy.He never cared a thing about looking good.He smelled different race food, i mean today he may smell Mediterranean, another day Asian curry, and another day fish eating Africans.And another day he can possibly smell as the fart of British cheese.He was literally a defiance of acceptable norms.Basically all he cared about was waking up from his bed and right away from that moment finding his buddies.That was his utmost task and priority for his day.From that point fun begins from there onwards.He is till date one of the funniest persons i ever met as a friend.Currently residing permanently in Spain.Back in the day,he comes straight to our family house, he will give a big bang knocking at the gate entrance and ensures he overdraws the attention of the security man at the aforementioned main entrance.Once he is satisfied that the security man is upset, he tells off the same  security gentleman and demands for the reason why the man did not know that he is visiting.This friend of mine can leave his house which was about a  30 minutes walking distance, with his pyjamas dressing on him and a pair of desert slippers on his foot.That was my crazy friend, he never bothered and couldn't be bothered.Apparently, at the onset my younger ones and the gate man didn't know his name; and consequently they started describing him as Benny slippers.Why? they said he wears slippers and pyjamas most of the time.
        During the teen years as my gang of buddies started to keep girlfriends we did experienced loads of weirdo's .In the name of fashionista, knickers was and glaringly has always been envoge, most specifically during hot weather conditions.Once upon a time, there was this chic, undeniably gorgeous without a shadow of doubt who was seeing me at the time.She was terribly fond of wearing Knickers, micro-mini skirts e.t.c. But most noticeably was her set of coloured knickers all branded with a tiny well fashioned out  piece of padlock.I mean padlock !!! Yes these gold plated padlock were designed hanging on a belt-hole.Don't worry it was simply fashion madness, but you know what? My friends nicknamed her : Padlocking Chic. Honestly, we all used to laugh about it together behind the scene, because in the first place the more i got angry with my friends about asking them to stop taking the meeky the more they took the meeky and monkeyed up a tease.The good thing was that even though all  efforts to stop them was futile, they didn't laugh at her to her face.They were cow boys, am i allowed to call them horse boys?
        Arrived home for a weekend trip.I asked for a favour for the hand washing of a few designer coloured sensitive clothes,stupid fowl mouthed Tommy Hilfinger! The washing machine itself was broken as an ailing donkey.Someone volunteered to give a helping hand knowing fully well that i will tip him some cash.Consequently i went to join the rest of the family in the main living room as the washing was been done at the utility.Next thing we heard was a loud noise of hurt ''hotel stick, hotel stick''.''Uncle, uncu...hotel stick'' ''He,he,huu,huu''.And so we all swiftly moved and rushed to the utility area and demanded: Jolly what's the matter with you? Jolly still hurting badly and crying, brought out a tooth pick from one of the trouser pockets.Sadly but funny enough he had single handedly renamed the tooth pick as 'hotel stick' due to his poor English fluency.We all really felt sorry for him though, but the renaming was hilary-us! Hilarious!!
        Oopsidaisy, Sirens! Oh my goodness they drive me nuts.So annoyingly loud.Whats the point? it is too loud for crying out loud.Yes ,Sirens, that's a typical case of over crying out loud.Ambulance ,Fire service,Police e.t.c. Gossh the radius of sound coverage in distance is completely bonkers. Ambulance for instance might be blowing  over a kilometre away and it is as if it is just 100 centimetres near.Why is it so?? because they are digitally programmed, they have no volume control; that's a bizarre you would think.No one can underestimate or overestimate the Health and Safety importance of these Sirens for traffic regulatory objectives.But the point is , it is high time that the manufacturers should as a matter of relevance to H & S too, design an effective volume control for it.There is no point disturbing people in their privacy comfort with the long distance radius of sirens.There's no need.It should be heard a couple of reasonable distance by the road users in traffic stream  and not long radiuses in thousands of metres away by non-traffic individuals.Not a fair occurrences at all.The most palpable part of Sirens is that over time they can damage the ear drums and it has a psychological impart on humans, because even after five minutes of a Siren been blown pass a road network, it still replays repeatedly in your ears psychologically.
                    Jesus Christ is Lord for eternity.Accept Him & deal with it.
                           Have a fanta-bulous day,
                               Your host as always....Kings OmoZore.
           *Still laughing about the padlocking Chic Knickers? yeah, Hmm, ok am just wondering if these named Pudding below is wearing a knicker also: Knickerbocker Glory Sundae.Seems this one is even worse than the chic herself, because this Knicker seems wearing a shoe bockle from its name.
           **Rocky Road Sundae...ah,ha,ha.If the road is rocky what could possibly be the point of eating the Pudding.That might be tantamount to  rocky road Pudding drink driving..
           ***How about this...W. Rooney on £1,000.000.000 a wink? No a week ! Alright then whatta difference b/w a wink and a week? Yummy easyjet bucks.

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