Monday 28 January 2013

Cheeky Assumption and Absorption.BLOG 5

          To a large extent am an everyday confident sort of person,and i don't know why,but i can ascribe it due to the consciousness of a living God in me and the partial middle class upbringing by my dear and forever appreciable parents,brothers and sisters of mine.But i got my own fear and they are,inorder of importance:1.Ignorance 2.Hypocrisy 3.Broke ass(As my amiable bro.,Charles 'll sometimes tease me) 4.Height and Closure-phobia.One also maybe prompted to know my philosophy;if any,it is one that i try not to hurt other people.The second philosophy of mine is, i believe in telling the truth ;infact this so dear to my heart that if you ask me (as a form of punishment) to stand all day in the basking sunshine of tropical 40*C or ask me to stand all day on the frozen river ice block in county England of -12*C,i will do it as long as i am sure of the honest truth .One other thing i know about my humble self,which is a combined leaf from my mother and what Eng. has shaped me to be is:fairness and ability to listen if someone has a better idea over a thing than me.I have also personally orient myself about assertiveness when absolutely necessary.Ya!you gat speak up for 'ya'self -mates will say to me back in the novice days at uni.
          Ignorance can be a pathological disease that i personally detest and i never want it in my blood stream.I dislike not to have a clue about substantial matters,i crave to be informed about an idea.Hypocrisy is even more hateful than ignorance.How on this beautiful planet can someone be a hypocrite,for what price? i dare ask.As  legal practitioners will ask,what is the modus operandi?ignorance can sometimes save you and i from un-wanted headache,but hypocrisy 'll do you harm and a series of harm,it can practically burn you up like the wild fire of Europe and leave you empty plus hollow.
          Broke ass! Yeah i intentionally called it a broke ass and not poverty, because there is a wide difference between  the two words.Broke ass can be a one off-thing and perhaps occasionally due to a circumstantial causative.Poverty.First of all i know,i can never be poor in this world(3 Jn in the bible) and i quote:I wish above all things that you(Kings 'Zore...kindly put your name) prosper.Am not boasting but am i can boast of the Almighty God's presence in me and the fact that i have endured enough to acquire and still acquiring more skills.O.k you get that now! So let's come back to the point,i got phobia for broke ass.Men,i abhor been broke,it can drive you to the subliminal and you begin to see tiny stars.I can hear someone telling me to shush and he is laughing out loud,my mate.The most recent broke ass experience of mine was 'garri' styled.(For those who do not know the Nigerian expression of the word garri,it actually means a rich root tuber casava carbohydrate,staple food for the under-priviledge).Funny enough,there is hardly any trace of garri here,in the financial capital of the world,simply check the contrast.Apparently,Oyinbo selfish die,you can't even see a pence on the ground.Naija,you will see bundles of Naira currency on the on the ground,after spending 5 days fasting and praying on David Oyedepo's Canaanland.Ahhhh! the devil is due for insanity after speaking in tongues(prayer).Here if you are broke,you wonder if the devil is wearing a winter jacket as normal people do.Perhaps praying about been broke is a mere joke.Do the hour,get paid,don't do the job,you get the broken ass.
           Height and Closure-phobia:Hmm,i don't know whether to giggle or cry,men aren't allowed to cry though except if you are living a bubble.This is sensitive subject to me but i have recently overcome it,well i like to believe so.Straight up i 'll say i used to really 've a strong phobia and aversion for height,i can't even look down from an eleventh floor.Hee,hee;i had this experience the other time i went for an interview in Canary Wharf.Just as the security staffs were taking my detail e.t.c,i was busy turning my neck round like an Ostrich in a dapper suit,looking for where the staircase is;meanwhile the transparently glassed lift is right behind me.So as soon as the security finished checks they said to me,the lift is behind you' meanwhile i was already 6 steps into the stairway and the men shouted 'Sir please take the lift,the stairs are like 5 million,you caaaan't do it''.I said politely back to them with a bit of a red cornered eye;am fine,am watching my b.p(blood pressure)???.B.P fire,which B.P? o.k maybe British Petroleum.Before they could say J.P Morgan i was on the 16th floor within 5 minutes,apparently catching up with my interview time.To make the long story short(not storey),after a 5 man drilled interview,i was determined to do same stairs back downwards i.e ''self suicide''.I finally got back to the same fat face securities,they asked me:Sir you look pro. but are you ''nu'' in the country? i replied:Never mind! and in my mind i said how dumb?The thing is,the challenge i have about height is a combined type with the closure-phobic closing of the lifts doors,especially the dark silver metals.I cannot deal with a small space,it is pure eccentricity for me.
           Ahh,one more about closure-phobia.I was a 6th form lecturer for this sch. in Essex a couple of years ago.By mere words of mouth they informed everyone of an urgent fire alarm test,but i was in the loo and therefore missed the info; having had some stupid stomach running Curry the previous evening outing.So i got out of the loo quietly and innocently, pressed button and stepped into the lift and behold i couldn't get out immediately,i was stalked and lights gone dead.I passed out and i banged,banged and floored sitted myself.Screamed and shouted the life out.Behold the hired tech heard the banging and they rescued me by switching on the system.I was terribly furious and demanded an immediate apology,they did in words and writing, as am phobic for such madness.Finally the hired tech came to me and i felt like dropping a Spider on his thick skin and collar shirt,because he will dread the Spider more than a roaring Lion.
                              ........Signing out!
                                          Kings Omozore.


  1. fine writting you keep it up my guy
    this good, i am impressed

  2. Hey Sir Clem.Thanks for keeping up this blog.I appreciate 'ur comment & further ones to come.Always drop in !
