Tuesday 29 January 2013

Politics and The Organism of Life.BLOG 6

        Destiny,destination.I perceive destiny in the perspective of positivity as regarding the end of a journey of life that ends well and with a willful gratification to the Almighty creator of life itself.I therefore resolve that since God represents goodness,therefore destiny represents a lifes journey  and purpose that finishes well as in an athletic relay.Am of the Shakespearean school of thought that defines life as a stage where different actors/actresses comes on and acts their respective roles-fulfilled or not.Don't make any silly mistake about God's purpose,it basically about His good intent and the total fulfillment in our individual arena.
       God isn't about any form of evil ending and actions.The fall of man brought about all those strife.The Almighty doesn't mandate anyone to do evil e.g commit murder e.t.c neither does He direct anyone to do drugs and end up living an unfulfilled short and squalor life.Therefore destiny is all and nothing but goodness.The journey and purpose of man from Gods manual handcrafting design is meant to proactively end well.Any life that started well and ends up  in a lightning speed  badly isn't the destiny and purpose of God the creator,but essentially the devices and absolute making of the devil.God is good and the Devil is evil.Please note the alphabetical derivatives and constituents,these spellings were not created yesterday;its been a long time coming.
        Having made those fundamentals explained,lets take as an instance a nation of good and great people.The nation was created(ahh! doubters 'll say it was created by scientists,there we go) by God and they had their political independence(though man made,suffice to say it was allowed by God) in good time.Thereafter someone simply has to be a leader inorder to head the affairs of the state,the said head of state/president/premier consequently decides to hold on to political power for eternity as long as he or his pedigree/clan/cronies lives.But after a long time of undue perseverance the natural peoples consciousness comes alive and therefore culminating in revolt and uprising against the ruling/incumbent government.Consequently,communual strife and civil war becomes the order of the day,people killed,ballistic missiles flying over roof tops of family homes and years of infrastructures built destroyed,anarchy sets in.Not even an apolocalytic dream can reveal the future once there's a genesis of anarchy.The fundamental quest now is:Is commotion of affairs the destiny of such a nation? CAPITAL NO.The original destiny of the nation is  for all and sundry to  gain a social political and economic freedom as well as sovereignty.Whereby every individual citizens live in peace and harmony as a corporately refined and configured nationhood.In a peaceful environ all citizens are deemed fit to achieve their respective dreams and aspirations.
        Another typical example will be the destiny of a corrupt nation endowed with abundant wealth in human/natural resources examplified in petrochemicals,land mass,tourism organisms,huge population for target market acquisitional sectors.Yet in all the aforementioned the vast majority of the populace live in penury and total abject poverty.Can we as a matter of zig-zag talk conclude that such a nation and its people (beleaguered with strife,diseases,lack of infrastructures,penury,communual crisis,nepotism,bestiality,petty stealing,pen robbery, armed robbery,oppression and repression,lack of womens right,unsolicited rape,massive destruction of lives and properties) has a destiny of corruption? The answer again is CAPITAL NO.Such evil characterisation and haps aren't destiny,even though they maybe an experience in life, but the true destiny of a nation is stability, where there is  rule of a pragmatically democratic law and its constituted provision for the protection of lives/properties.Every responsible government has the  foremost specific role to protect its citizens,that is why all nations has its own army and allied national forces.Hence its shocking to see a national government creating crisis that can possibly decimate the lives of its own citizens,i will like to term it as political cannibalism.
         I must also put here that God is very much interested in spiritual authorities.You may desire to read up Rom 13:1-4 where you 'll discover that God allows rulers to rule and even reign,but if by virtue of the free will of choice that is handed over by God to men of political power and offices,they as men/women decides to abuse such powers;then its simply the choice and will of such politicians.God in His infinite MIGHTY nature has ways of dealing with such people whether they are alive physically/spiritually or even when such rulers are dead.Note that i choose to relate here almost all through with the word rulers because we are talking more of possible despots in politics.People in political powers that rule with citizenry centred mindsets are in my personal view leaders and not rulers.Rulers are not popular in modern day democracy as it was more during the medieval times.However it is basically wrong for us as human beings to conclude that the destiny of the people in troubled national world is to suffer and ultimately perish.
        The Almighty God as the creator of the entire universe is one of choice.He in my cheeky view is democratic natured due to the fact that He enables a people and persons to have the freewill of choice making.So He gives rulers and ordinary people the opportunity to serve,but when such a people perpetuate themselves in power and uses the officially elected or un-elected positions to maim and destroy innocent people,that is solely and majorly the decision of such rulers,its not the political destiny of such a nation.
         Wise leaders  in government and also in the governance of corporate organisations should be transparent.True political power belongs to the electorate people,while on the other hand the ultimate power belongs to God.It has nothing to do with whether you as a ruler is a free thinker,atheist,humanist,moslem,christian,straight,gay,bestiality practioner e.t.c.Transparency in government is divine and a must,it is the truth and will always be the truth,world over,world end,world everlasting,world now and world eternity.
         Thank you for reading through my political ramblings,you might as well get yourself a cup of tea now,cheers!
                                                                              Kings Omozore.

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