Wednesday 27 February 2013

Reckon What??? BLOG 15

        On an of and on a journey at juggling Stratford, i was on my way transiting from the days routine at about 17.45p.m and dressed in the usual stuff for formalities, the only unique difference was that i was looking money.If you render services in the city, there is a tendency for you to look money full-on and if you don't that is your prerogative and most probably the gradual demise of  the pro prospects in you.Perception and first time impressions is a vital tool in the city circles.After all in Australia your height can positively add up to how pro you are,if you are a short lady you may likely be considered less pro and if you are tall you are assumably preferable as walking tall with shoulders high is a professional quality.Be that as it may,i was on the platform trying to change route,such times as users know; could be irritable 'cos it is  dead busy, peak commune times.The leather bag i was carrying had the likes of Waterstones and therefore was incredibly heavy.All i needed to do was for the tube T to stop and i hop in.
        While still waiting on the platform as the T was going to be there in 5 minutes.There was  these two guys who seems to have appeared from nowhere other than the wilderness.Both of them literally began to dangle behind me as ghost images,first to my back left hand side and afterwards to my back right hand side.I was trying hard to avoid turning a whole body 360 degrees just to look at a stranger.Doing such turns at times could be very uncivilised as you can make someone embarrassed,especially ladies.The dangling momentum from both boys continued repeatedly and at split seconds, spontaneously too.At some point i looked at the  rear towards the boys,they quickly turned and looked away with their hawky eyes as if to act like they are purposefully waiting for the tube train as everybody around was doing.
         A few seconds i overhead one vocally telling the other about their strategic move.Basically the plan was for one to run downstairs into the deep floors of the station to my left while the other does the same but in the right opposite end of the tube station.Having overhead their mischievous plans and caught their eyes rolling as an Owl, coupled with their evil outlandish body languages; i decided to brave up myself.I speedily travelled in my mind,thinking to myself how daringly desperate the boys are to ignore CCTV images and live footing snapshots in a busy S'ford international, which in 7 years is going to become the major venue for the 2012 London Olympics.I felt pathetic for their souls.They appeared in their mischief activities as  reptiles to me.
         All suddenly i started feeling calm and anxious.I got sweaty too,i didn't care .I pretended like i had no idea of what they were about to embark upon.However i was simply waiting for that golden Olympic moment when one or both of the pick pocketer and bag snatchers will make a satanic move.I stood firm  like an Olympus.Consciously alert like a Russian Red Army on a standby, waiting for an instruction to launch attack on an enemy.Thoughts of a British gentleman rushed through my emotions,'yeah just tell dem off''. Another thought said to me 'be a warrior,why should you chicken out if they try to mess up with your stuff''.How dare they? 'don't they know that you have killed two imaginary lions with your bare hands before, are they crazy; young rattle snakes.' All these thoughts flowed through my mind.
         Meanwhile in a matter of seconds and minutes, the boys were busy body languaging themselves.I wanted to simply walk away and go to the main station floor downstairs, but on a reviewed thought i decided that it might be a more dangerous thing to do than repositioning myself where i am, afterall crowdy commuters are there too but dispersed a bit.Within  jiffy moments the rudest of the two said to the other ''you reckon?''.Instantly i knew that means two actions, firstly they have concluded, secondly they will be striking their B52 Bomber fingers in less than a micro-sec time.So what did i do?, trust a city lad from the rubber tree hoods and sunny woodlands of Africa.I turned myself around like a an ex-military veteran and voiced out in the most bravest manner ''Reckon what??? ''.The next line of action i saw was that both imbeciles fled  from me and the station platform itself like two collared headed Reptilia lizards from the sudanese hot deserts.
         I won the battle and the race of breathe.The ladies on the platforms with high heeled stiletto shoes leaning on the pillars,with long eye lashes popped out their eyes in amazement of the way the boys ran away.Some men closest to me in striped stone cold, double breasted suits  nodded their heads in outright pity for the no future ambition(NFA) boys.An old lady walked up to me and whispered:Reckon what??? and i smiled exhaustively while hopping into the tube train which arrived at the nick of time and off we went like the zion train.
               Jesus Christ is LORD ! Accept it and deal with it !
                     Keep having good decent fun !!
                        Your host as always: Kings OMOZORE.

Friday 22 February 2013

I hate Geo-gra-phy ! BLOG 14

          Ha,ha i disliked geography.Even the name is dubious, no wonder there is the aged old story about a guy who kept lying to his father that he is in the university studying Geography and was always demanding more money from his parents because he knew that his uneducated parents cannot understand a thing about the concept- geography.Hence he kept telling his parents that he is studying 3 multidisciplinary courses called geography,his craftiness was to enable him keep them under tremendous financial pressure in order to continually release fund for him.The three ambiguous courses according to this misery lad are :1.Geo 2.Gra and 3.Phy. The lad was as complex as the course itself.
          Ok i was in form 3 in the then 80's old system of GCE which is today's generic of GCSE.Somewhere around Nineteen Eighty Two/Three, i had this exceptionally brilliant Geography tutor by name Mr Ojo (he has since passed on,RIP), a very like able big belly ,larger than life personality.He taught and explained every bit while still in the process of introducing the subject to us all in the class.But what i failed to understand, he also failed to make me see and understand it.He said that the Earth rotates on its own axis and towards the end of the plenary class section , i'd asked him, that if the Earth truly rotates on its own axis how come that each time i get home after daytime school, i still see everything remaining fixed at the same position that they were when i was leaving the house in the morning? i gave him numerous examples 1.Family house 2.Mum's dilapidated van 3.Mango trees 4.Neighbours houses.Well i queried and enquired from the teacher a couple of novices insane questions,he explained and came out with geographical structured models about the Earth's spherical shape,radius,diametric meters and the ''controversial'' axis and of course the day/night creation of the moon and sun.I could NOT understand a thing.I was blank,dumbed and gazed on the quip thinking of a teen age.
          Finally after three consecutive lessons, all basically introduction to Geography, i got home one day and spoke to my father about it, who was in a possibly better position both as my biological father and as a high school Principal to see to my dilemma.I poured out my mind and declared unequivocal that nothing will can stop me from quitting the new subject so-called Geo-gra-phy(sounded// jeo raphael).I remember emphasising to my father that not even the sun, moon and all the terrestial forces including the lizards climbing the walls can stop me from quitting the new subject.Dad being a typical gentleman (unlike us these days) smiled at me with his nice diastema tooth and said son leave it with me.Apparently he met his friend, the Principal of my college in an all state schools meeting,politely seeked who is the Geography teacher and both were reassured that the teacher is great at the subject.So  it was apparent that i didn't fancy the subject.Next step from Dad was that within two days after the all states meeting, he told me that he will ask my uncle to speak with me about the subjects orientation prospects.The reason being that Uncle made a second class upper division in the university as early as the 1960's when  university of London was in charge of exams at the university of Ibadan,Nig.Dad frankly felt that i will be possibly convinced of the subject having met a geography ethusiast as my uncle and he is very much a convincing public service orator.
           At the end of a couple of subsequent meetings with no zeal to keep keeping on with the subject i became a rebel, a subject rebel to geography.Aptly speaking it was a simpler case of disillusion.Consequently i abdicated the subject and it took me nearly 5 yrs afterwards before i came to realise that my teacher was right,my uncle was right,my father was right and his pro colleague(my principal) was right.Further right and true was that the Earth truly rotate on its own axis.Its natural and its not the vague theory of big bang planetary creation.That catapults us to a discourse on the obnoxious theory of the Big Bang,it is just not true that the world was created by a blast sounding off a big bang.If the scientific claim of big bang is true HOW COME WE THE PRESENT HUMAN OCCUPANTS OF PLANET EARTH HASN'T HEARD OF A BIG BANG BLAST SINCE THERE ARE MORE & MORE EVIDENCES OF NEW PLANETARY DISCOVERIES IN THE GALAXY ???.Make no mistake about it the world was created by the spoken word of God please read the bible i.e Jn 1vs 3.There are so many lies in this world.Too many misconceptions.
           Massive misconceptions about too many things, starting with the silly,get away,quick fix;joy rider theories of Charles Darwin.Each time i hear of  that name it sounds to me as Charles doubting Darwin and i don't know why it sounds so to me.Honestly i can put my foot down and say that no other person in my academic and christian life seems to me since the 18th century who has created more damage to biblical facts than Charles ''doubting thomases'' Darwin.Yes he did some good things but he also created a fiction in biblical facts.I just pray he made heaven because his damages has been colossal even as we speak.Charles Darwin literally formulated 'conspiracy' theories about God's creation of the world and its content e.g Human beings,animals,plants e.t.c. He claimed that human beings were created from Natural Selection and therefore by evolutionary trends Human beings are descendants of Apes e.g chimpanzees,gorrillas...what,what??.That is a false claim from the pit of laboratory hell.What has Natural Selection got to do with Gods own creation? Personally i think Charles Darwin had a vision for Selective Breeding which in the present day is called Cross Breed in animals and Hybrid in plants.That i think was his vision and ultimate goal.The blunder he made was ,his thinking that all organisms and things were created that way including Human Beings and the Planets.Suffice to say he had an experimental mind and never had a natural mindset towards creation.
           Common sense can tell us that it is not naturally possible for a Chicken to be a Snake descendant neither is it possible for an Elephant to be a close or distant cousins to Monkeys.Human beings were created by God and God created us in His own image Genesis 1 vs 27. Each time an opportunity arises for me to give lectures to young stars on science, my conscience judges me and i feel rebellious mentally about talking jazz, yes absolute jazz concerning Evolution.But i have to follow a due professional process and not venture to break or bend the law.I do wonder a lot how come the topic of  Reproduction in schools,colleges,further education e.t.c are taught/delivered with models as Male mating Female to reproduce a definite offspring of same specie? Human father mates Human mother ?.Why not female Monkey plus Human??? balderdash i would say! Common sence has eluded laboratory theory.Gen 1:21 says God created every living creature....after their kind,every winged fowl after their kind.Gen 2:7 says ''God formed man from the dust of the ground,and breathed into his nostrils and man became a living soul.Evolution is a process,a trend and it is developmental.Evolution cannot be an evolve between two absolutely different species.That is why we have cell constitution,DNA e.t.c.That is also why we have seed and seedling Gen 1:2. Evolution can be a cause for Mutation colour changes, but cannot and never will be a genetic different.
         Mutation as found in Human beings e.g the Europeans(white skin,so to speak) and Africans (black skin,so to speak) is caused by a glaring drastic weather change.Europeans are migrants (ha,ha some career Racists have forgotten this FACT) from Africa into the arid cold regions of Europe and the Americas.Typical Africans were born,raised and lived in  basking high temperatures all year round about 48 degrees Celsius plus, that hugely explains their dark skin and hair.Thats Mutation and nothing else.Evolution cum mutation....we all can understand that without a university degree or college certificate.The far reaching implication of not teaching the truth in places of public learning e.g school curriculum to our young kids creates a Godless syndrome whereby almost every young person and most adults becomes God to themselves .Self indulging persons.Thats the gross impart of not telling the truth.Well i suppose what individuals define as truth is controversial in itself. Fair to say it is a classic misconception.
        Misconception as the last paragraph indicated is found everywhere.I found out only a couple of months ago that when churches and certain so-called egg head Clergy (???) ,church goers...a bunch of sing-along folks claim and go ascertive that God cursed Man to sorrow in man's capability to eat from the ground and also cursed a Woman at Child birth to suffer labour Conception due to the SEXUAL SINS of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is a falsy biblical misconception, yes it is ! Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree in the garden of Eden.The serpent made aware the tree to Eve  and Eve spoke to Adam about it.Gen 2:1-8. People has miscontrued the whole episode by saying that the human race is suffering due to the sexual sins of Adam and Eve .There was NO sex involved.Their sins were DISOBEDIENCE to God by eating from the forbidden tree and the tree was in the MIDDLE of the garden Gen 2:9 ''God planted a garden eastward in Eden ,for  pleasant sight seeing,for good food,THE TREE OF LIFE IN THE MIDST/MIDDLE  OF GARDEN, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil''.Lots of clueless argumentative folks talk about the sin commited by Eve as in her middle body?????
                     What  a pack of lies.
        Good afternoon and good night depending on where you are right now in this gorgeous universe from God vexed now, too many misconceptions about simple stuff. Due to the reality that the universe is beautiful,am compelled to cherish the study of geography.Thats clearly a shift in position and its so cool.
            Cheers to the glass of Champagne pourings !!
                           Your host,
                                   Kings Omozore.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Lil Shanice's time...BLOG 13

             Am Bishop Gerry by name, i am writing was still an all white Snow remains day and i can vividly say i'd had a very good day.So i came down from the train in Twinkenham that was as speedy as a rocket (am not complaining).As i came off the platform, just about to board the local black cab, i looked up the road ,surprisingly i saw this old geez who was equally as excited to see me as i'd.We knew from somewhere i the past where i was a regular,he worked as a Chef .He requested for a walk as he desired to pick up his kids as part of his sudden school run obligation.We talked about family life and i asked if he has since seen some of my old town cruisers to which he said no.
              Well after the pleasant family rapport he literally switched to a stressed talking mood facially,he vocals sound and also the angry walk in a bow on the snowy field.I decided to be advertent about to the vibes.The wife had left him with their three kids and vamoosed to the Kilimanjaro nation.She relocated to the u,k ages ago ahead of him,she works as a med rep and Spiro as he is called enjoys Chef craft by qualification.As a couple they have a four bed house,apparently an additional room was recently constructed to make up the four bed .Because has mother in-law has arrived to possibly help with the kids and family, but it did not work as he said they both spoke for barely over a week and the remaining 3 weeks of her concluding he went incommunicado with her under the same roof.
               Spiro's eldest daughter is 25 years old and was  born in the Kili nation while the other daughter,Shanice is 10 years old, her brother is Tim,  a chappy 6 years old.Well as we walked and he spoke to me about how his wife has gone stroppy with him for no good excuses, i told him that i have to go to the local libary in the area, which is adjacent to his property.So as if to  demonstrate empathy to his dilemma, i voluntered to first help him drop the two kids with his oldest daughter at his house and so we did.It was a cutely refurbished end-terrace , i must say.As he happily and quickly prepared sandwich for the kids, while he also tore through an envelope checking for the new Sim card in his post.Spiro served  me a mug of black coffee, which i thought to myself i well deserved this.
                All three children went upstairs went upstairs to their room, while we were at the utility vicinity and right there he reimbursed that his other-half his deserted him and all three kids for the last five days.Spiro said when his other half called without any formal arrangement or agreement between them, that she is off to the Kili country.So i summoned some courage to ask him to reflect on the truth of events between themselves as regards if any was on the offensive.He did not think for a second about my forensic suggestion, all he did was to say that he is not surprised about her lack of good culture because she has gone off the hook since she his been mis-treating him for years.He reaffirmed that he was hanging-on  in the matrimony not due to love but due to his childrens welfare and future.According to him,it was this understanding that makes him endure the door-mated treatment from his wife.The family of Spiro has only one car and his wife has eloped with it to the Heathrow airport and where did she parked ???.I asked has she got the cheatty spirit,he never said yes or no but said what did he care?. I concluded to my self she has other people who conjures with her deceits.
                  I was  just a good listener and never made a judgement but a mere conclusion in my mind.He then confided in me that his other half frustrate him with all sorts of things including the 'centre right ' starving.He also took it upon himself to voluntarily confess maybe with some level of arrogance,that he has devised models of having to release his water pipe.He boastfully said that if he is actually distressed and desperate he knows where his 'customers' are.He refired by asking me: is it not the 'centre field '? its everywhere .I expressed a muted and grin face.Honestly to an extent i'd felt sorry for him,as it seems the woman has gone ballistic with her tactics.In my silly thoughts,i said in my head that no 'centre right' of the foot'b pitch? Ahh thats world war phase 4 on the flesh and in the bedroom.I deliberately stopped thinking because i had to inorder not to imagine how the lady herself survives.Cheating? No.Yes. Yes and No again.Forget it !
                 As a recipe i suggested to him that he might do himself some good outcome if they do things together as a family and attend church, which i dont go myself,hmm only xmas.Not good.Spiro was fast and furious to blast tongued me with a categorical No.He said they have done that in the past and for the mere reality that some irresponsible men in the church knew about their imbroglio they attempted to allure her.But having  heard this particular one,i simply wondered where on the island can he seek for help.I suppose i was genesisly giving up as he was.He stated unequivocably that he won't do that model ever again.frozen i felt on hearing that.It must have been a surreal experience for someone who needs all the help.
                 Meanwhile at some point he went to the garden for a ciga and then comes his adorable daughter,little Shanice and her chappy brother, smart kiddie dem.Hello uncle ! she said and her bro too with gappy tooth opened like a double glazed window in summer.Are you staying for the rest of the evening? i retorted a sounding nope.Ohh you should,we like you to stay and ' mammy ' isn't even about, the house has gone cold but we love Daddy though.Yes you have to, i quickly responded as a fatherly rightie.Uncle whats your name? Bishop Gee !  i told their inquisitive ears.Thats so cool Shanice said,then almost urgently as if to continue the conversation not to stop,she went like a hurricane, 'will you  come to my b'day? ' and i politely said no.'Am so sorry i wont be about for the party,too busy sometimes'.Shanice i called her why is the spelling of your name SHANEZE ?.She told me it is her mums doing.Ok i replied .Shanice made clear to me that the only reason she wanted me to  come to her b'day gig was because she thinks that i can get her a brand new Bicycle as a gift.I giggled at her and promised to always remind her Dad to buy her a cheap but quality brand before her big day.
               Shanice then felt relaxed and told off her brother to shush and not interupt her useful conversation.And off she went asking,what do you do for work ? i told her am a mechanic with Rolls Royce of West london.Mechanic??? she boldly asked, that means you work as a filty man, i replied yes ! Now she was getting more excited and even friendlier, as if to say i have got a filty friend  to play with in the mud. Here is the interesting bit, Shanice told me that she will like all three of us to do a pinky finger bet or deal.Honestly i got no clue whatsoever about the pinky finger world of Shanice.I looked from a pew sitting distance if   her finger was painted in pink colours, but there was none indicated.Then i said i don't do betting or swear about anything.So lets just base it on a promise basis, that i will remind  your Dad about purchasing a Bicycle for you as i wont want to buy you one, since that will amount to denying your Daddy of his obligation.Now she did understood me with a nodded head.
                Finally we didn't do the swear but just a high five and then she came again, running downstairs only to find out from me when and  if   the Bike will arrive soonest.Why? i asked her , ''there is a  Bicycle cycling day coming up soon''. In school she said, she will like to rehearse plenty of  times before the competition day otherwise it will all go 'wonky'.To be candid, i thought am alright with words since high school days 100 years ago., but 'wonky' ??? and the way she ascented it ,i was lost for the first 20 seconds, until i realised she meant that if  her performance did not go well she will be required to repeat it which will obviously become boring.Kids and their new generational wordings.'Alright please tell your Daddy am off to the library '.
*Ain't surprised Horses are making media headlines.Its been a long time coming.Horses have been warriors, olympians e.t.c for centuries, just serving the high and mighty as well as the normal men,wo'.Its time for them to be the celebrity media animal.Am glad for them and pretty sure Horses are yoyoing with themselves about their new found celebrity statuses...
**Yeah i 've eaten Ox tail,Oxen,castrated cattle.Many times i 've personally bought them at Tottenham butcher high str shops.Point of correction i didn't buy Horse tail........ha,ha,ha, misunderstood,spelling mishap, spelling blunder,vocab murdered !
***To really know how ugly and domesticated a Horse is, check out the mouth opened with its numerous teeths as coffeed garden rake.Don't even bother imagining...horrible !
****Hey Dog do read bloggings,they surely do.....i was typing these earlier in the park and a Dog ran forward from its owners, came under my park bench,wagging its tail, looked at my trainers all whitish Nike and guess what?pissed, pee,wee-weed,urinated right in the closest radius to my foot,looked at me, ran away without anyone pursuing it.So i called it with a witty command as if talking to a human being...come back here YOU ! He ignored me and the owners walked past smiling with me...i asked the couple,did you sent him? they said no.I said call him back then to tidy this field up.....
                       ENDORSED -       Kings OMOZORE


Wednesday 13 February 2013

Pounds,ain't muscular ! BLOG 12

      20:20 p.m.In a small villa called Banks, there lived a young storky man.Calm,suave,and rarely engage in long yakking.He did live in a single room where he is expected to cough out £200 four weekly.Other bills like grocery ,beverages,  weekly bus fare,food,monthly money transfer to his mother and sister are not included.He was practically a hard, handy Andy kind of person ,absolutely determined to change his life and those of his loved ones.I knew nothing about his Dad,who probably as they say was not in the picture.Oops he once told me he lost his Dad at an early age in his life,as at when we met; this dude was 25 years old.He was not a sociable person by any description,and was never interested when pretty things fancy his muscular psyche.But i knew his weakness in this regard,he loves to see women doing the hootchy -kootchy dance,whatever that does to him;i got no- clue.Another thing i know that makes him different from someone who lives in a parallel universe  is that, he is an ardent church man on sundays,except if he is compelled at work to do a compulsory shift on sunday.
      The most interesting and fascinating aspect of his life ,was his resolve and determination to break the back of poverty whose root stems from Swaziland where he was born.He has a self acclaimed and orchestrated strategy.Firstly, never to step out of his door unnecessarily after work hours,because to his thinking if he does;he will  spend money.Secondly,is that he was saving severely.Part of the reason,why he wouldn't want to welcome and entertain any friend ,male,female, or hermaphrodite in his humble abode.His thought was that,during the process of receiving a visitor to his residence,he will definitely be compelled due to blushing attitudes to purchase Coca cola, other fizzy drinks,cake e.t.c to enable him seem good relating to entertaining the visitor.He understood,afterall they aren't just going to be looking at each others faces,talking and talking endlessly .So he discouraged all forms of visitation.He saved every dime,penny by penny,penny by whatever name including the Swazi Lilangeni currency that came with him when he first arrived in the UK.This guy was practically saving as an Ant in its hole,he did saved like there was nothing else to do with money.
       Every now and then he joked with us that he is making real progress,as he does long hours at his shift work.Every available overtime was seized as an opportunity to make money and saving by him.He literally couldn't do without overtime.When there is no overtime he gets angry with himself and never failed to let the bosses know about his anger.He was the man running the chain line,perhaps he was more of  the chain machinery system himself.Typical coconut head and workaholic bulldozer.The management and other work mates loved his mad life of attempting to break his own back.He never cared a thing apart from work.He actually thought that the management genuinely loved his donkey attitude about work.The management used to remind him of the acceptable health and safety work hours,he did not bother.All he wanted was work and work.If you come knocking at his door,you might probably hear him snoring like a fallen Elephant.His sound of breath was so caterpillarish that you wonder if he was in a physical combat with Mike Tyson's 50 kg punches.An absolute work maverick.
       Sometimes  i pulled over at his,to joke and tease him about his possible closeness to achieving  his targeted £1,000,000(One Million pounds sterling) and afterwards re-locate back to Swaziland kingdom.Each of such times he will tell me, that the money target is slow,hard and stringent to achieve but he never forget to reassure me that he will do it and leave everyone of his mates behind in the UK to be paying enormous tax and work for her majesty's treasury.He took the meeky too like everyone else.Indeed the man worked ,did press ups,go to the gymnastics at spare evening time.All exercises were geared towards developing more and more energetic strength to empower him for the engineering fabrication job which he was into.Can i just say that the young man was a major fan and consumer of Chinese energy drinks,no matter what brand, taste and horrible smell.His pay per hour was £5 and was so bent on not buying a Car,because he will be required to pay MOT,monthly Insurance,buy fuel,service the Car when necessary.The man simply refused to live a comfortable life.
       This man was good for one thing,he knows how to shop for nice clothes and shoes,just to dress up very cool for himself and not the Bees as he would say.There was this unimaginable awful attitude of his,whereby he measured by scale, kitchen measuring beaker,whatever form of Millet,Rice and other edible grains to cook meals.He never wanted to be extravagant due to the fact that he was saving.At some point,the Ghanaian landlord of his,ran into massive financial palaver,the palaver was absolutely huge to the extent that the landlord's two properties was consequently re-possessed.Apparently this guy unknowingly to me,who i kind of mentored from a distance friendship,lied all through to such a time when the landlords two beautiful properties were repossessed by the bank mortgage lenders.He has been lying to me that his savings is in his personal savings bank account.He frankly had a bank account,two actually,but he was a bit timid to have let the sweet sugar coating tongue of the landlord to set himself up.
        The landlord was a qualified Pilot in America,but was not yet a qualified Pilot in Britain due to the fact that it is relatively easy to study,qualify and fly in America and Africa's sky than it is in Britain.British cloud is lower to the ground earth while America and Africa's sky is higher from the ground earth.Consequently a few minutes up in the sky in Britain's atmosphere takes the plane into immediate clouds and absolute professional care must be taken to fly professionally safely.Due to this the landlord was  spending huge fortune in Aviation school to qualify,quite a brilliant dude to be honest but the exams were in multiple choice questions(mcq) e.t.c Tough frequent regulatory examinations.This geezer had locked up with the landlord the sum of £6,000(Six thousand pounds sterling) and recovering the said sum was the worst thing ever.The landlord borrowed the money from him in a con style unfortunately.This same landlord used to also con me by swiftly borrowing a drive of my then classic ,he will promise to  dash into  the shops for a 3 minutes shopping spree for fruits;only for him to be back with the car in 3 hrs, setting off my panic buttons.With a hindsight and fairness now,i will say the landlord was such a good con man.He did loved the con,all he needed to swiftly get off with my classic was to literally force an Irish/Nigerian bottle of Guinness down my throat unsolicited.Such a weirdo!
          His landlord got to a stage where himself and his wife was barely struggling to make ends meet.But his wife was a character from Hollywood and Nollywood combined.She was a fashionista with a size zero waist line,slim shaggy,dark to the palm and fingers,squeaky vocals like a pregnant toad.She adored and constantly wore stiletto high heeled shoes.The sort of lady who did not gave a monkey if the London skyline is falling on her husband.As long as her high heeled is making territorial sounds on the marble designed floored terrace house,she is alright.All other matters can be adjourned.That was the landlady.An accomplice and an aid abet in my view.She was a madam,who hated everybody and pretended to care about 3 peeps.One was herself,second was her husband,third was me.Why me? She said because of her husband.Ah ''the madam,the parliamentary landlady without a portfolio'' i used to call her and then she swells in her stomach.
         Anyway, Mr young saver,demanded and insisted on the payback of his Six grand but never got more than £600 (Six hundred pounds sterling) from the landlord.Truth is Mr landlord had no money to pay back.The landlord was doing all sorts of  credit card payment and assorted APR %.I felt so embarrassed and sorry for him.There were lots of times i momentarily saw him as an acquaintance,a great guy.Am pretty convinced that he would have loved to pay back but he could not.The landlord vamoosed to thin air.Swazi dude had no refund,he continued to work hard to score his goal of £1,000,000 (One Milla in this England?).But this time his passion,zeal and savings encouragement had dropped to the bearest all time low,since recording began by me in 1890 BC. The young saver has lost his dream of attending a British university and qualifying to practice Social Worker which he also desired to take back with him to help the under-priviledged in his native Swaziland Kingdom.
        As part of his exit strategy similar to Mungo Park's first journey to Africa, he decided to sell his second handed,charity shop bicycle and flew back to Swazi and he did promised never to come back. Because according to him he didn't want to lose his skeletal back bone system for the man-made pounds sterling and coins.He also reminded me that the main reason he didn't want to come back to England ever again is because it was Mungo Park's second journey to Africa that killed him in 1806 in Bussa,northern Nigeria at the sad, exploratory age of 35 yrs old.While i saw him off next day after a grandeur all folks,all night;all free night party for him.At the departure hall i summed up the courage to ask him,who is going to make the dream of achieving the £1,000.000? He politely said to me:Hustle men ! Well i smartly giggled and bid him goodbye.
        About the same time a century ago, as above.There were two lady friends.They drove to work in a private residence ,as you could assume that is the nature of their job.Both of these ladies were in-experienced about the Motorway drive and commute.But they were certified drivers,very eligible to drive .On this particular occasion,they both via off the dual carriageway from now-where.Only for them to see themselves suddenly in the M25 motorway.They marvelled at the sea of cars and vans.They wondered the numerous motorable lanes and logistics of vehicles.One of the ladies was determined to concentrate on her driving skills but the other lady sitting on the passenger seat was practically a moronic talkative.She is voluminous in size,shape and big mouthed.An argument ensued about who said what,when,how,did they get to a vast M25 motorway.They blamed and counter-blamed each other and were at each others neck for most of the time.Until one of them resolved to make a distress call.I remember instructing them to take the next available exit point.To this end,they immediately obeyed  and carried out after 1 hr 25 mins of burning their fuel and globetrotting the orbital motorway.They eventually got to their own homes but never went to their place of work assignment.They were bliss enough not to have stormed into another vehicle in the motorway and also not to have been over-run by an innocent,inexperienced driver like them too.Finally,when i saw them after two days they were still recuperating from the experience.Both friends were done with their friendship,agreed to be permanent enemies for the rest of their lives.Then i insisted that all three peeps  should meet and settle their differences.As we  sat on the couch i could see that after two good days; both of them were literally dripping sweat in their respective sweaty Jumpers,like new arrivals on a war zone.Not Camp Bastion,they ain't got the guts to ever be there!
                                           Kings Omozore
                                              Writes from London.God bless you...

Saturday 9 February 2013

Wanna be's of the Next Life. BLOG 11

      Once upon per time @ meal time with colleagues.The main meal and dessert was so yummy that everyone started going hyperactive as if we were all drunk with the sumptous meal even though there was no alcohol or whatsoever in the cooked meal and drinks.I can say i own up to be blamed,because i was the cause of the whole  belly bottom laughter and guesses about what do you wanna be when you come back to life?
       One lady immediately jumped up and said,she did love to comeback as a super Eagle, another lady said she will be absolutely delighted to come back as an Ant loading up food for storage,no food bills.The male colleague who was sitting so close to me said he will like to come back to earth as a scary long necked Giraffe because he is a die-hard cultural man for halloween,he loves to have fun but with no responsibilty.His buddy next to him claimed so vehemently that he will be more than happy to be back as a Pimp, because he will cherish to see and make money on some women  been 'fired up' by good paid men who likes to have 'bedmatics' value for their money.I remember a female colleague wearing red gown,saying she is a huge fan of Elephants and will therefore like to be a giant Elephant creature in her second coming if she is ever allowed to come back, because she has done so much evil on earth;one time she set fire in her bedroom due to the fact that her husband is  useless and hopeless in bed. A male senior colleague said he will like to come as the fearlessly bold Lion who lords over all other animals, because he has suffered so much in this first coming that before he had the current job,he was a dirty Bin man for 10 years since high school days,smelling all sorts of environmental sewages.Another said she will be glad to come as a colourful Butterfly, just gliding in the the air;with nothing to worry about.A colleague took the adorable stand of coming as an Angel, peaceful and appearing close to God to which quite a number of us screamed and reminded her of how mischievious she has been in this initial one. Another staff would love to come as a Snake simply biting his enemies,all his enemies including his grumpy neighbour as the first major target.Well i was shocked to hear all these horrible things they would love to come back in their next life, if they ever come in the first place.Just as i was sobering over the thought of their silly animal coming backs including Apes,they demanded that i must declare what i will want to come back as.Funny enough i reassured them all, that i will be more than grateful to God to come back as me,a better meeeeeee and i wondered with my witty gigling smile why on earth i will  want to come back as a stupid animal because of bills e.t.c.They  consequently went laughing out loud with some falling off their seat and a handful laughed with a bit of hesitation as if, they did not understand why  someone wouldn't love to come as a docile animal.
         Well, am not sure if i have forgiven a Dog, got me rethinking now.As a fan,i respect dogs as living creatures of nature world.The natural world of animals including Dogs helps the carbon,nitrogen cycle which helps all human in turns.But here is the trouble,even though i am a fan of Dogs i don't think i will say hypocritically that i love Dogs,i am very much aware that they can do a lot for man i.e the awesome job of leading the way for the blind, rescue missions for safety and other special needs for human.Great job indeed, without the shadow of  doubt.The thing is am not just convinced that they are man's best friend.Maybe Birds like Parrot,Dove, and rodents ; whatever class Squirrels  belong.Squirrels can be best suited for that enviable grandeured position.My dislike and discomfort,and sum total lack of reliance on Dogs stems way back to the early 1980s, a dear cousin of mine had this most amiable, friendly and personalised to say the least of a cordial relationship with his Dog.This cousin was named J, as i won't want to give his full named profile; it will bring back immediately sad memories to family members.For no just cause or reason, the Dog bite my cousin and before he was rushed to the specialist hospital,my dearest cousin  was gone......the rest is a pathetic,long distressed history.He was born the same year as me.That is where my distrust, somewhat-dislike about Dogs stems it root from.To this day i never trusted a Dog ,even a gorgeously docile puppy.Chihuahua is a fan Dog to me, but i don't love it enough to allow it jump on my bed, naaaaah never ! Now i am still wondering ,right up to this moment if i have forgiven Dogs and its line of pedigree as well as progeny.Possibly i have forgiven Dogs generally especially due to the fact that forgiveness is a major tenent in christianity which is my way of life afterall. But the memories ? Oops is still fresh , ever fresh like a scar ! R.I.P J !!
          Just back to complete this publication.Do you know that , i actually left this blogging for 2 hours and only came back after having to wipe up my tears from the last paragraph.It genuinely got me teary and moody, and i don't ever do moods; so rare.Please in the next life , don't come back as a Dog (most specifically the dare-devil vicious looking ones).Am a little fan of Staffordshire Bullterrier . Because i still can't rely on them as man's best buddies. Do come back  in the likes of Elephants, Dolphins(highly intelligent,scientifically proven to be  4%  less in  I.Q  than Human beings).Alright,what about you trying to come back as a racing Horse, a world class entertainer; an olympian Horse.Lets go a little bit cheeky ,who will like to come back as the taxman?? and the other nicest one - the car park ticketer??? At least you are contributing to both the treasury and the community....not bad for a possible bonus culture job.''init''.
            Am outta here.....Cheers ! Don't drink too much this weekend; boozing is evil. Evil? Yeah,yeah,yeah !
                               KINGS omozore.

Thursday 7 February 2013

Back To The Basics In Colonial Politics. BLOG 10

     On a positive outlook,this week we are gonna celebrate something fab by God's grace,amen!Here we go:One thing i dislike is when i hear some people say:Let white be white and let blacks be black.It's my candid view that it is an absurd statement to make.For crying out loud we are all the same.Just the same human being, though with a bit of cultural differences-sometimes huge,sometimes tiny if i really have to be practically honest.It is obvious that all race have the same red blood running through our veins.The blood ain't black in colour neither is the blood white in colour.Despite the irrelevant colour of our outer skin layer,it is the same red blood colouring that runs deep through our veins.I mean it is a fair thing to say that the colour of your skin means absolutely nothing.
    Segregation brings nothing but resentment and un-necessary suspicions in a community.Tribalism as it is often found in parts of Asia and Africa is the junior brother of racism.They have the same DNA-Dioxy-riboNucleic Acid///(yippie yeah! my Chemistry 1st deg is handy here,FACT).They genuinely have the same DNA,it is just that one evolves into the other.I do honestly feel that it is not possible for any intelligent and rationale adult to be racist in character and deed,same is applicable to tribalism.I simply do not believe that any rationale,mentally sound  person can be racist.In other words a racist has to be a mentally derailed and clueless adult.Perhaps a practicing racist has not yet be diagnosed as mentally deficient by a certified psychiatrist,thats possibly why a racist thinks of himself/herself as a normal individual.Then again,a couple of mental cases are not diagnosable,what happens is that such cases continue to live in their bubble world.Scary isn't? It is interesting to note that a racist is a myopic and communally disruptive personality,a microscopic terrorist in character and community diffuser.They lack spirit of sportmanship and are never cohesive in community spirit.
    Racist persons should begin to regard themselves as failed citizens of the world.We are all biologically and socially inter-related,ain't we?.There is a difference fundamentally between popular and rational stand point on sensitive issues which surfaces in everyday life.Let's have a case study with West Africa,specifics on the geo-political entity called Nigeria.More specifically in the last 3 years there has been a dastardly act of terrorism by a social malady group who call themselves ''Boko Haram-meaning Western education is a sin''??? Ludicrious i think!Then quickly what rushes to the sane mind is:what is wrong with western education? Personally i know without fear or favour that education is great and education can't be education without its western contribution and modifications.The continual global reforms and impact of western education cannot be over-emphasised neither can it be under-played.Western education has done greatly for billions of people around the world.It is the dividends of western education that is the reason we can communicate through this medium right now.Western education has led to developments,research and major break-throughs for mankind in all fields of human endeavour e.g Architecture,Medicine,Technological innovations,e.t.c to mention just a few.It has helped tremendously in the liberation of mankind too.
    I hear a lot of people,even good natured people query the possible reasons why the then British govt amalgamated the Southern and Northern protectorate in 1914 to create the present day politically independent nationhood of  Nigeria.A lot of people have also innocently and out of utter annoyance cum frustration, doubted the good  economic/political intention of the then colonial British government.They ask and desire to know the motive for the formation, considering the cultural and religious conspicous differences between these people.One thing most people have  forgotten is that it is never easy to make any nation independent politically.Inother words both the independent seeking people and the colonialists are always faced with fierce fights and countless decisions,struggles,idealogical u-turns e.t.c.It is never a toy game to seek independence or to be the colonialist who administers a liberation.I think it is high time people recognise that the British colonial government had the best of intentions for amalgamating both the North and South of Nigeria as a political and socio-economically independent nation.Sadly there were lots of blood shed,loss of lives,wealth transfer to England,but to be free is priceless.To also be a part of the civilized 'united' world,if you like the United Nation is great.Development can do a massive headstart once independence is achieved.South Sudan only got their independence very recently,Nigeria got hers nearly 53 years ago.
    A blogging like this will be meaningless if one does not stress or reinterate that the evil northern man with an evil mindset of islamisation i.e by attempting to practice the extremes of sharia law in a secular nationhood of Nigeria where you have Christians and Moslems e.t.c can be better clearly stated as the one with the evil act.An extremist sharia practitioner is an evil practitioner because such extremism is not acceptable in the modern 21st century world.Mutual respect and tolerance should be the order of the day in a secular nation like Nigeria.Civilized dialoguing should also be the tenents of social governance on every single national issue however much difficult it is.Every Nigerian should be able to trust the sincerity of the British colonial government in joining the North and South of Nigeria by simply looking with hindsight and remembering how four bonafide nations of England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland; did join and remained as one stable independent strong United Kingdom(UK) for well over 300 whopping years of political and economic cooperating single nation.The UK also pride itself not only as the first industrialised nation in the global world but also remaining standing as one of the few ancient kingdom on earth.There is a local village called Saffron W which dates back to 1141.The facts of successful political amalgamation as examplified by the UK is countless, example is ; the country shares the same world acclaimed monarch and military defence system.
      The above mentioned 4 nations of the UK have mutual interest,respect and obey the rule of law of the nationhood of the Gt British empire.In a nutshell the fundamental problem of Nigeria and allied African nations is not essentially,and i repeat without any form of apology;is not a problem that originated from the on start of the amalgamated protectorates .Neither did it started in my personal opinion from the time of political independence.It is largely due to the religious fanatics,bigots and corrupt politicians cum thugs which have been allowed to see themselves as more important than the rest of over 152 million Nigerians.These political thugs kill,maim,burn down houses year in year out.There is hardly any pragmatically sustainable rule of law in place to put these few evil perpetrators forever behind prison bars inorder to allow peace to reign in the country,the natural envy and pride of Africa.So blessed yet so poor.Nigerians must remember that a lot of nations were amalgamated. Use the word or not use that word,that is the truth.The United States of America was amalgamated into 51 states nation.The former Soviet Union(USSR) in Euro-asia and even todays Russia is an amagalmation.I stand to be corrected, i think some of the constituents states of the Balkans(though not British) is also an amalgamation.The unique thing about all these examples is that they are all sharing mutual interests and enjoy peace amongst themselves.Even in cases where constituent member states are opting out of membership,there are civilized ways of approaching such issues.It is never by terrorism,genocide,raising inferno in schools and broad daylight sunday church service rampages.It is outrightly a despicable act and should never be allowed to repeat itself again.
      Acts of terrorism is not serving a god,it is a cowardly stupid thing.Terrorism in Nigeria has witnessed innocent kids killed in church services.Twenty years ago that will be an un-imaginable thing to think of happening in that great nation with millions of good hearted people.I feel the party is over and it is high time the current government of the day should rise up to its national responsibility to protect its law abiding citizens which is its first priority.The govt and the good people of Nigeria has to reach an immediate consensus on these issues immediately by taking the bull by its horn.Religious fundamentalists always like to make things horrible for any nation if government allows them to mess up the national security.It is ludicrous for any sect of religious bigots to attempt to make a certified secular state as Nigeria into one where women aren't allowed to drive a car and where women cannot be allowed to compete in global sports events as the Olympics.It is absurb and i am flabergasted.Why do Nigeria as a nation suddenly now,from no-where desire to be Saudi Arabia? where women aren't allowed to do the aforementioned?Why can't the religious extremists who find themselves in power and  powerplay in the country copy the good things from similar oil rich nations like Saudi Arabia e.g accountable management of the nations oil wealth and fairly reasonable distribution of a middle class style of living for most citizens.
         As a matter of fact,i once had the opportunity of attending an interview for an academic job in a posh London hotel many years ago,the post was in Saudi Arabia,apparently there were two Saudi princes who happened to be the consultants.Both of them were Ox-bridge grads.Both consultants were very excellent in their consultations but at the end of the interview,one of them said to me that i do not need to get a job in Saudi,that as a pro who is originally from Nigeria,an oil rich nation as Saudi.Nigerians shouldn't necessarily be found seeking for jobs everywhere in the world.That Nigerians are a bunch  of  skillful individuals who excell in medical practice,academic,business-commerce.They jokingly asked me why can't the successive Nigerian govt organise a well paid salary structure for hardworking people instead of creating situations whereby a lot of Nigerians are destitutes abroad.Coping with weather conditions as well as new norms,values and cultures in their newlands.I characteristically in my witty style told them that i don't know why and thats the way the government prefer its people to live.
         War is easy to do,peace on the other hand can be a relatively easy task to do as well,because it is there already;all that is needed is the will to keep the peace.The Nigerian people and nation must remain together by dialogue,tolerance,respect and of course mutual understanding for one another.One of the worlds greatest boxer- Mike Tyson once quoted:''You have to be careful about how you fight because the way you fight determines how you live your life.''
        ...... .. Am signing off, but i like to say:
 ''Domo Origato'' for reading through this lengthy blogging article.In Japanese language it means :thank you.It sounds like''Domo'' in the great Benin Kingdom,Nigerian languages-which means greetings too.
       Cheers and group hugs...////KINGS omozore.

Monday 4 February 2013

Love is Health And Safety. BLOG 9

   Don't cheat,don't send the wrong signal.And if you aren't cheating,do not send the wrong vibes of a cheater.There are goaty Dudes OUT THERE who enjoys giving a negative impression to their spouse,perhaps knowingly and un-knowingly.The same is practiced by some ladies.Its ain't a mono-gender practice,its simply individualised.What is the point of having a prolong,incessant calls from the opposite sex for no justifiable conversation? it is un-called for,silly and extremely a coward practice.Awful as it may,these callers aren't recognisable ,known friends/relatives to the couple.Any wise and focused couple 'll ensure their friends are for both of them,no boundaries.Only a Crocodile and Kaganroo dundee couple will separate their friends which can give room for a future shady deals/loopholes.Unknown calls to any member of a serious relationship is not healthy.It creates smell a rat suspicion,disrespect,back and fort deliberations and confusion in the head of a partner.I put all these possibilities on the table irrespective of the fact that you are possibly the most reliable and faithful partner in the globe.
   Do not bluff this off as the write up of a jealous,sensitive partner,put yourself in a vulnerable position and assume the hurt or calmness of  such feeling.When you have your outcome,then come back to us to give your verdict.Truth here is its got absolutely nothing to do with the personal experience of the writer.This writer do not give a monkey,monkey is even too whole,the writer do not give a rat about silly bimbo cheaters.The writers view is all about microscopy and forensic reflections as regards the lives of the not so-close acquittances and street credibility acts.Its always a pleasure to be in a position where one can yak and profer suggestions about adult life.It is a common phenomenon in this present age to see people breaking up and down in tears.Funny enough it is not always about the economic add-on base i.e comfort,job,pay package,generosity,care,calm persona.In most cases a quarter of the time it is about distrust and disrespect,overcrowdedness of the relationship i.e no personal space,extended fam.
   The above basis becomes even more crucial when the couple have inter-tribal languages.Infact in my cheeky opine,inter-tribal language barrier in relationships is what will cause the next World War popularly classed as the 3rd World War.We all know that its a common thing nowadays to see people from varying ethno-racial background in relationships of diverse kinds.This is why i have decided in my closet to do with my white race background only,because am not so sure if i can handle some of the heavy duty professional black women with their back-side lane like a well built aero-dynamic automobile.But jokes apart,ethno-racial and inter-tribal relationships are great,it is a milestone in achieving the globalisation of the human race.Be that as it may,could you imagine a partner been suspicious of her spouse even in the face of such language barrier? i 'll leave you to imagine the resolve of that dilly-dally.
    Whats the point of one individual partner keeping it real,close and personal,while the other partner is un-standardised and all day,all night chatty-boxy? instead of been fairly courteous to work and concentrate on the relationship.This piece isn't a sexist blame as i mentioned at the early paragraphs,i did like re-emphasise that point.Come to think of it,it depends on an individuals integrity.There is no need emphasing on the reality that all adults as human beings are full of flaws.
    Suffice to also mention in this writing, of certain scenario,whereby one of the partners in a relationship(Marriage,boy/girl friend,gay/lesbian,wankers-no that's mono) is feeling and acting as the boss,very talibanic in style and bravado at all times.The partner act as a taliban arrogant brat,for all the wrong reasons in the relationship at all issues, all the time too.Never listen,just full-on selfishly all-dictated.Forgetting that individuals should as a matter of relevance feel equal rights, as well as no boss.Apparently one must be the leader with a bit of humility and a taste for listening to the other view.Fairplay is significant to both parties,where there is fairness there is a guarantee of a long lasting future.To share equal views on a dialoguing content and platform is  practically peaceful and refreshing.It also prevent a situation whereby no particular party can blame the other when a decision goes astray.It 'll simply be realised that the decision was an agreement by both parties,therefore it will be concluded as one that was what it was and never met to be.Both partners will respect the view that none of them was put or left in the dark about individual opinion.The entire package was open to discourse,signed,sealed and compassionately delivered as a couple.
     It is imperative to spell out that if the final decision was compartmentalised by one of the partners,i guess there will be an apportioned blame if the decision couldn't deliver  for the couple.That could spell doom for the couple and readily concluded as an illicit affair.Well,hopefully couple and single individuals will enjoy these plenty vibes from me.Am just a lay writer.People need to be aware that it is o.k and fair to have as many friends as possible as you may fit,deem necessary as you can.But in realistic and pragmatic fairness you may have to guide the number of opposite sex who have your private mobile numbers.This is essentially pertinent if you sincerely like,love your relationship.If anyone can easily ring/dial you frequently in the privacy of your partner,then you may do good to your life by giving a prostitute,the likes of pimp workers your mobile number to call you as at whenever they feel like doin' so,even past midnight hours possibly for a free non-paying pole dance.I like to believe that if you are a honey lover you can't  possibly do that.Neither will you do a thing as giving out the number without first thinking of the implications.
    People in serious relationships need to be serious as simple as the word implies.That cannot be a rocket science to understand,it is what it is.On the otherhand if your relationship/marriage is not so cool and you see it as a porridge,then you might not bother  about safe guarding it like Health and Safety regulations.Incessant and random violation of boundaries in family life and other relationships is like a prolific and habitual sex addict that shoots his gun in any direction without the use of Condoms.The imperatives of 'CD' as my medical reps friends call it cannot be over-emphasized.As a prolific shooter it is a matter of importance that one must also be a proficient user of CD,otherwise you are truly jumping the gun and the bullet.Therefore i 'll say that constantly violating the territorial boundaries of your partner is precisely kin to a cheater that constantly shoots her apple or his gun (as the case maybe) without the use of a 'CD' player.Just wondering if we are now solving a mathematical dy/dx?
      Still on about safe play.Individuals should come down from their high horse as this is really important.Just make your home safe,it is not a sign of popularity to jump around.As adults everyone know about phone sex,don't we?hmm.Am not goin' any further down that route.It is a very dangerous conversation to start and finish,but very important too,i can state that am not goin' down that route because it can pull down some walls to volatile exposures.I guess you are poping out your eyes and ears to read through such rumpy,pumpy,sumptous and randy reading meal.
       I found out that when people don't have a common and often spoken language that can be undestood by both individuals,what it basically means is that the relationship do not have a language and it also further explains that there is no lines of communication by both parties.In such a typical crucial case it is good for the couple to speak the universal language:love and secondly english language,because its easy.That automatically transforms to a Health and Safety measure for the relationship to thrive and survive for a long time.
  Hey is anyone out there in the universe.Can i go to bed now?
          Signing out.....KINGS omozore./// The not-so relationship writer.Lord Jesus Christ,thank you!

Saturday 2 February 2013

Birthday Thank You's...BLOG 8

        I did made 3 times effort to send my thank you BD speech through my facebook, but due to some unforseen computer related insanity on its part,i couldn't.Spaning over 4 good hrs,pure computed madness!
        Can I just say:Thank you and thank you to all my friends and family for your expressions of lovely thoughts.It's because of peeps like you,that's why there is hope ,that we all can make a better world.Well its not necessarily about a speech,it's basically a thank you & thank you message.
         Perhaps you saw on MSN News in the last 24 hrs about a medically confirmed dead 101 yrs old woman,who suddenly woke up and said:Hello There! That is a celebrtion of life and a true people person,she certainly love people;she ain't through yet.
         Know some east europeans who told me they don't celebrate birthdays since they are wonder the meanings of the abbreviations,ha,ha,ha...Jehoval's Witness.So I asked them what do they celebrate? They replied:food.I told them food is clearly a part of birthdays.'Dem say see oyinbo,you say see vicar'.These interesting fellas also often ask me too,how come many kids die of food & starvation in Africa? and yet Africans in Europe/Americas claim there are plenty organic foods in Africa?. I replied that the reason is because the various African state govt cannot be bothered to technologically make the food production en masse to the affordability and reach of everyone.Q.E.D answer isn't?
         Well let me encourage everyone to visit my blog:AmNotKIDDingami?.And kindly feel free to make your comments.I am not a journalist,I never trained as one and i won't pretend to be one.I just write for the fun of it and try to be objective as much as i can,sometimes its mere imagination.So help me by your candid comments and put your name so i may appreciate you more if i know you or do not know you,i wont feel offended.Am pretty sure you hear peeps say:When they get pushed to the wall,then they get angry.But mine practically takes a lot,you will basically have to do the hardwork of pushing me ACROSS the wall inorder to get me started and then angry.
         There's more interesting and loaded stuff to come by His grace.Am simply a witty,eccentric and objective writer,the excellence spirit of God's presence in me gives me insights and inspirations,i feel really humbled to share thoughts and experiences.We got to raise the bar and make Africa and Nigeria's image proud again,that's why we do what we do.We need to start creating a PR stunt and media machinery to help us get our acts together,because if we don't do it;nobody will do it for us.Take a hindsight against the mega-speed of destruction of Africa & Nigeria's image by the political rulers in African countries,suffice to say a lot of fellow Africans humbly look up to Nigeria who sadly and shamefully is not delivering at all,not even for it's own people.
         Many innocent Africans/Nigerians are suffering in Africa and in the diaspora viz-a-viz some are dieing slowly,some  dead already,many have become destitutes,others have resulted in subtle prostitition.There has to be a media machinery to bring some/all of these cronies to their CONSCIENCE and consequently pave the way for a new generation of CITIZEN CENTRED POLITICS both in Nigeria and Africa on the broader perspective.This is not theoretical philosophy,we can do it and we will get there by God's grace.
         The civil rights movement in America was a pathetic experience historically,but it gave birth to a reformed and regenerated America.The civil right movement culminated in the seed birth of the John Harold Johnson's (1918-2005) Negro Digest,The Tan and ultimately the Ebony and Jet Magazines.John Harold Johnson of Arkansas City,was the grandson of a slave.His various publications some of whom became listed in Fortune 500 company in America started by mere passion to free himself and fellow generation of African-Americans from poverty and relegation in the society.By the mid 1960's his publications then became a major force to reckon with the emancipation of the black race till date in America.Even now it is covering black Africans the world over,check out BET tv.It's all about passion,drive,purpose and SERVICE to humanity,and of course to the Almighty God.
         Can anyone imagine how the statelessness of Nigeria has caused prostitutes in Nigeria to declare one week of free sex to the Eagles team? That's just a complex case of mental dereliction and delusion.You may ask why? It is because the support of government is not enough,so the clueless prostitutes are volunteering to help with the only way they know.Ahhh Jesus Christ hope you are  coming soonest,soon seems far,soonest is fastest! It's more like an evil society,badest society because of  many yrs of un-structured government.
         Let me give y'all a quick crazy realistic joke.Have you ever imagined why black peeps in Europe/Americas stare at you for several minutes,even though they are seeing you for the first time ever?.It's due to their thinking:Wow,bros how many rivers & oceans did you cross to get here?You must be the worlds greatest migrator.Frankly they don't  mean any 'territorial' threat,they are simply saying in their mind,''how stupid are we (both of us) to leave the sunshine and come to the cold arid regions of the world,''na u waka pass o oga,wetin u dey find? eh, gold or antelope,dem dey Africa,mumu like us''.LOL