Thursday 7 February 2013

Back To The Basics In Colonial Politics. BLOG 10

     On a positive outlook,this week we are gonna celebrate something fab by God's grace,amen!Here we go:One thing i dislike is when i hear some people say:Let white be white and let blacks be black.It's my candid view that it is an absurd statement to make.For crying out loud we are all the same.Just the same human being, though with a bit of cultural differences-sometimes huge,sometimes tiny if i really have to be practically honest.It is obvious that all race have the same red blood running through our veins.The blood ain't black in colour neither is the blood white in colour.Despite the irrelevant colour of our outer skin layer,it is the same red blood colouring that runs deep through our veins.I mean it is a fair thing to say that the colour of your skin means absolutely nothing.
    Segregation brings nothing but resentment and un-necessary suspicions in a community.Tribalism as it is often found in parts of Asia and Africa is the junior brother of racism.They have the same DNA-Dioxy-riboNucleic Acid///(yippie yeah! my Chemistry 1st deg is handy here,FACT).They genuinely have the same DNA,it is just that one evolves into the other.I do honestly feel that it is not possible for any intelligent and rationale adult to be racist in character and deed,same is applicable to tribalism.I simply do not believe that any rationale,mentally sound  person can be racist.In other words a racist has to be a mentally derailed and clueless adult.Perhaps a practicing racist has not yet be diagnosed as mentally deficient by a certified psychiatrist,thats possibly why a racist thinks of himself/herself as a normal individual.Then again,a couple of mental cases are not diagnosable,what happens is that such cases continue to live in their bubble world.Scary isn't? It is interesting to note that a racist is a myopic and communally disruptive personality,a microscopic terrorist in character and community diffuser.They lack spirit of sportmanship and are never cohesive in community spirit.
    Racist persons should begin to regard themselves as failed citizens of the world.We are all biologically and socially inter-related,ain't we?.There is a difference fundamentally between popular and rational stand point on sensitive issues which surfaces in everyday life.Let's have a case study with West Africa,specifics on the geo-political entity called Nigeria.More specifically in the last 3 years there has been a dastardly act of terrorism by a social malady group who call themselves ''Boko Haram-meaning Western education is a sin''??? Ludicrious i think!Then quickly what rushes to the sane mind is:what is wrong with western education? Personally i know without fear or favour that education is great and education can't be education without its western contribution and modifications.The continual global reforms and impact of western education cannot be over-emphasised neither can it be under-played.Western education has done greatly for billions of people around the world.It is the dividends of western education that is the reason we can communicate through this medium right now.Western education has led to developments,research and major break-throughs for mankind in all fields of human endeavour e.g Architecture,Medicine,Technological innovations,e.t.c to mention just a few.It has helped tremendously in the liberation of mankind too.
    I hear a lot of people,even good natured people query the possible reasons why the then British govt amalgamated the Southern and Northern protectorate in 1914 to create the present day politically independent nationhood of  Nigeria.A lot of people have also innocently and out of utter annoyance cum frustration, doubted the good  economic/political intention of the then colonial British government.They ask and desire to know the motive for the formation, considering the cultural and religious conspicous differences between these people.One thing most people have  forgotten is that it is never easy to make any nation independent politically.Inother words both the independent seeking people and the colonialists are always faced with fierce fights and countless decisions,struggles,idealogical u-turns e.t.c.It is never a toy game to seek independence or to be the colonialist who administers a liberation.I think it is high time people recognise that the British colonial government had the best of intentions for amalgamating both the North and South of Nigeria as a political and socio-economically independent nation.Sadly there were lots of blood shed,loss of lives,wealth transfer to England,but to be free is priceless.To also be a part of the civilized 'united' world,if you like the United Nation is great.Development can do a massive headstart once independence is achieved.South Sudan only got their independence very recently,Nigeria got hers nearly 53 years ago.
    A blogging like this will be meaningless if one does not stress or reinterate that the evil northern man with an evil mindset of islamisation i.e by attempting to practice the extremes of sharia law in a secular nationhood of Nigeria where you have Christians and Moslems e.t.c can be better clearly stated as the one with the evil act.An extremist sharia practitioner is an evil practitioner because such extremism is not acceptable in the modern 21st century world.Mutual respect and tolerance should be the order of the day in a secular nation like Nigeria.Civilized dialoguing should also be the tenents of social governance on every single national issue however much difficult it is.Every Nigerian should be able to trust the sincerity of the British colonial government in joining the North and South of Nigeria by simply looking with hindsight and remembering how four bonafide nations of England,Wales,Scotland and Northern Ireland; did join and remained as one stable independent strong United Kingdom(UK) for well over 300 whopping years of political and economic cooperating single nation.The UK also pride itself not only as the first industrialised nation in the global world but also remaining standing as one of the few ancient kingdom on earth.There is a local village called Saffron W which dates back to 1141.The facts of successful political amalgamation as examplified by the UK is countless, example is ; the country shares the same world acclaimed monarch and military defence system.
      The above mentioned 4 nations of the UK have mutual interest,respect and obey the rule of law of the nationhood of the Gt British empire.In a nutshell the fundamental problem of Nigeria and allied African nations is not essentially,and i repeat without any form of apology;is not a problem that originated from the on start of the amalgamated protectorates .Neither did it started in my personal opinion from the time of political independence.It is largely due to the religious fanatics,bigots and corrupt politicians cum thugs which have been allowed to see themselves as more important than the rest of over 152 million Nigerians.These political thugs kill,maim,burn down houses year in year out.There is hardly any pragmatically sustainable rule of law in place to put these few evil perpetrators forever behind prison bars inorder to allow peace to reign in the country,the natural envy and pride of Africa.So blessed yet so poor.Nigerians must remember that a lot of nations were amalgamated. Use the word or not use that word,that is the truth.The United States of America was amalgamated into 51 states nation.The former Soviet Union(USSR) in Euro-asia and even todays Russia is an amagalmation.I stand to be corrected, i think some of the constituents states of the Balkans(though not British) is also an amalgamation.The unique thing about all these examples is that they are all sharing mutual interests and enjoy peace amongst themselves.Even in cases where constituent member states are opting out of membership,there are civilized ways of approaching such issues.It is never by terrorism,genocide,raising inferno in schools and broad daylight sunday church service rampages.It is outrightly a despicable act and should never be allowed to repeat itself again.
      Acts of terrorism is not serving a god,it is a cowardly stupid thing.Terrorism in Nigeria has witnessed innocent kids killed in church services.Twenty years ago that will be an un-imaginable thing to think of happening in that great nation with millions of good hearted people.I feel the party is over and it is high time the current government of the day should rise up to its national responsibility to protect its law abiding citizens which is its first priority.The govt and the good people of Nigeria has to reach an immediate consensus on these issues immediately by taking the bull by its horn.Religious fundamentalists always like to make things horrible for any nation if government allows them to mess up the national security.It is ludicrous for any sect of religious bigots to attempt to make a certified secular state as Nigeria into one where women aren't allowed to drive a car and where women cannot be allowed to compete in global sports events as the Olympics.It is absurb and i am flabergasted.Why do Nigeria as a nation suddenly now,from no-where desire to be Saudi Arabia? where women aren't allowed to do the aforementioned?Why can't the religious extremists who find themselves in power and  powerplay in the country copy the good things from similar oil rich nations like Saudi Arabia e.g accountable management of the nations oil wealth and fairly reasonable distribution of a middle class style of living for most citizens.
         As a matter of fact,i once had the opportunity of attending an interview for an academic job in a posh London hotel many years ago,the post was in Saudi Arabia,apparently there were two Saudi princes who happened to be the consultants.Both of them were Ox-bridge grads.Both consultants were very excellent in their consultations but at the end of the interview,one of them said to me that i do not need to get a job in Saudi,that as a pro who is originally from Nigeria,an oil rich nation as Saudi.Nigerians shouldn't necessarily be found seeking for jobs everywhere in the world.That Nigerians are a bunch  of  skillful individuals who excell in medical practice,academic,business-commerce.They jokingly asked me why can't the successive Nigerian govt organise a well paid salary structure for hardworking people instead of creating situations whereby a lot of Nigerians are destitutes abroad.Coping with weather conditions as well as new norms,values and cultures in their newlands.I characteristically in my witty style told them that i don't know why and thats the way the government prefer its people to live.
         War is easy to do,peace on the other hand can be a relatively easy task to do as well,because it is there already;all that is needed is the will to keep the peace.The Nigerian people and nation must remain together by dialogue,tolerance,respect and of course mutual understanding for one another.One of the worlds greatest boxer- Mike Tyson once quoted:''You have to be careful about how you fight because the way you fight determines how you live your life.''
        ...... .. Am signing off, but i like to say:
 ''Domo Origato'' for reading through this lengthy blogging article.In Japanese language it means :thank you.It sounds like''Domo'' in the great Benin Kingdom,Nigerian languages-which means greetings too.
       Cheers and group hugs...////KINGS omozore.

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