Friday 22 February 2013

I hate Geo-gra-phy ! BLOG 14

          Ha,ha i disliked geography.Even the name is dubious, no wonder there is the aged old story about a guy who kept lying to his father that he is in the university studying Geography and was always demanding more money from his parents because he knew that his uneducated parents cannot understand a thing about the concept- geography.Hence he kept telling his parents that he is studying 3 multidisciplinary courses called geography,his craftiness was to enable him keep them under tremendous financial pressure in order to continually release fund for him.The three ambiguous courses according to this misery lad are :1.Geo 2.Gra and 3.Phy. The lad was as complex as the course itself.
          Ok i was in form 3 in the then 80's old system of GCE which is today's generic of GCSE.Somewhere around Nineteen Eighty Two/Three, i had this exceptionally brilliant Geography tutor by name Mr Ojo (he has since passed on,RIP), a very like able big belly ,larger than life personality.He taught and explained every bit while still in the process of introducing the subject to us all in the class.But what i failed to understand, he also failed to make me see and understand it.He said that the Earth rotates on its own axis and towards the end of the plenary class section , i'd asked him, that if the Earth truly rotates on its own axis how come that each time i get home after daytime school, i still see everything remaining fixed at the same position that they were when i was leaving the house in the morning? i gave him numerous examples 1.Family house 2.Mum's dilapidated van 3.Mango trees 4.Neighbours houses.Well i queried and enquired from the teacher a couple of novices insane questions,he explained and came out with geographical structured models about the Earth's spherical shape,radius,diametric meters and the ''controversial'' axis and of course the day/night creation of the moon and sun.I could NOT understand a thing.I was blank,dumbed and gazed on the quip thinking of a teen age.
          Finally after three consecutive lessons, all basically introduction to Geography, i got home one day and spoke to my father about it, who was in a possibly better position both as my biological father and as a high school Principal to see to my dilemma.I poured out my mind and declared unequivocal that nothing will can stop me from quitting the new subject so-called Geo-gra-phy(sounded// jeo raphael).I remember emphasising to my father that not even the sun, moon and all the terrestial forces including the lizards climbing the walls can stop me from quitting the new subject.Dad being a typical gentleman (unlike us these days) smiled at me with his nice diastema tooth and said son leave it with me.Apparently he met his friend, the Principal of my college in an all state schools meeting,politely seeked who is the Geography teacher and both were reassured that the teacher is great at the subject.So  it was apparent that i didn't fancy the subject.Next step from Dad was that within two days after the all states meeting, he told me that he will ask my uncle to speak with me about the subjects orientation prospects.The reason being that Uncle made a second class upper division in the university as early as the 1960's when  university of London was in charge of exams at the university of Ibadan,Nig.Dad frankly felt that i will be possibly convinced of the subject having met a geography ethusiast as my uncle and he is very much a convincing public service orator.
           At the end of a couple of subsequent meetings with no zeal to keep keeping on with the subject i became a rebel, a subject rebel to geography.Aptly speaking it was a simpler case of disillusion.Consequently i abdicated the subject and it took me nearly 5 yrs afterwards before i came to realise that my teacher was right,my uncle was right,my father was right and his pro colleague(my principal) was right.Further right and true was that the Earth truly rotate on its own axis.Its natural and its not the vague theory of big bang planetary creation.That catapults us to a discourse on the obnoxious theory of the Big Bang,it is just not true that the world was created by a blast sounding off a big bang.If the scientific claim of big bang is true HOW COME WE THE PRESENT HUMAN OCCUPANTS OF PLANET EARTH HASN'T HEARD OF A BIG BANG BLAST SINCE THERE ARE MORE & MORE EVIDENCES OF NEW PLANETARY DISCOVERIES IN THE GALAXY ???.Make no mistake about it the world was created by the spoken word of God please read the bible i.e Jn 1vs 3.There are so many lies in this world.Too many misconceptions.
           Massive misconceptions about too many things, starting with the silly,get away,quick fix;joy rider theories of Charles Darwin.Each time i hear of  that name it sounds to me as Charles doubting Darwin and i don't know why it sounds so to me.Honestly i can put my foot down and say that no other person in my academic and christian life seems to me since the 18th century who has created more damage to biblical facts than Charles ''doubting thomases'' Darwin.Yes he did some good things but he also created a fiction in biblical facts.I just pray he made heaven because his damages has been colossal even as we speak.Charles Darwin literally formulated 'conspiracy' theories about God's creation of the world and its content e.g Human beings,animals,plants e.t.c. He claimed that human beings were created from Natural Selection and therefore by evolutionary trends Human beings are descendants of Apes e.g chimpanzees,gorrillas...what,what??.That is a false claim from the pit of laboratory hell.What has Natural Selection got to do with Gods own creation? Personally i think Charles Darwin had a vision for Selective Breeding which in the present day is called Cross Breed in animals and Hybrid in plants.That i think was his vision and ultimate goal.The blunder he made was ,his thinking that all organisms and things were created that way including Human Beings and the Planets.Suffice to say he had an experimental mind and never had a natural mindset towards creation.
           Common sense can tell us that it is not naturally possible for a Chicken to be a Snake descendant neither is it possible for an Elephant to be a close or distant cousins to Monkeys.Human beings were created by God and God created us in His own image Genesis 1 vs 27. Each time an opportunity arises for me to give lectures to young stars on science, my conscience judges me and i feel rebellious mentally about talking jazz, yes absolute jazz concerning Evolution.But i have to follow a due professional process and not venture to break or bend the law.I do wonder a lot how come the topic of  Reproduction in schools,colleges,further education e.t.c are taught/delivered with models as Male mating Female to reproduce a definite offspring of same specie? Human father mates Human mother ?.Why not female Monkey plus Human??? balderdash i would say! Common sence has eluded laboratory theory.Gen 1:21 says God created every living creature....after their kind,every winged fowl after their kind.Gen 2:7 says ''God formed man from the dust of the ground,and breathed into his nostrils and man became a living soul.Evolution is a process,a trend and it is developmental.Evolution cannot be an evolve between two absolutely different species.That is why we have cell constitution,DNA e.t.c.That is also why we have seed and seedling Gen 1:2. Evolution can be a cause for Mutation colour changes, but cannot and never will be a genetic different.
         Mutation as found in Human beings e.g the Europeans(white skin,so to speak) and Africans (black skin,so to speak) is caused by a glaring drastic weather change.Europeans are migrants (ha,ha some career Racists have forgotten this FACT) from Africa into the arid cold regions of Europe and the Americas.Typical Africans were born,raised and lived in  basking high temperatures all year round about 48 degrees Celsius plus, that hugely explains their dark skin and hair.Thats Mutation and nothing else.Evolution cum mutation....we all can understand that without a university degree or college certificate.The far reaching implication of not teaching the truth in places of public learning e.g school curriculum to our young kids creates a Godless syndrome whereby almost every young person and most adults becomes God to themselves .Self indulging persons.Thats the gross impart of not telling the truth.Well i suppose what individuals define as truth is controversial in itself. Fair to say it is a classic misconception.
        Misconception as the last paragraph indicated is found everywhere.I found out only a couple of months ago that when churches and certain so-called egg head Clergy (???) ,church goers...a bunch of sing-along folks claim and go ascertive that God cursed Man to sorrow in man's capability to eat from the ground and also cursed a Woman at Child birth to suffer labour Conception due to the SEXUAL SINS of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden is a falsy biblical misconception, yes it is ! Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree in the garden of Eden.The serpent made aware the tree to Eve  and Eve spoke to Adam about it.Gen 2:1-8. People has miscontrued the whole episode by saying that the human race is suffering due to the sexual sins of Adam and Eve .There was NO sex involved.Their sins were DISOBEDIENCE to God by eating from the forbidden tree and the tree was in the MIDDLE of the garden Gen 2:9 ''God planted a garden eastward in Eden ,for  pleasant sight seeing,for good food,THE TREE OF LIFE IN THE MIDST/MIDDLE  OF GARDEN, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil''.Lots of clueless argumentative folks talk about the sin commited by Eve as in her middle body?????
                     What  a pack of lies.
        Good afternoon and good night depending on where you are right now in this gorgeous universe from God vexed now, too many misconceptions about simple stuff. Due to the reality that the universe is beautiful,am compelled to cherish the study of geography.Thats clearly a shift in position and its so cool.
            Cheers to the glass of Champagne pourings !!
                           Your host,
                                   Kings Omozore.

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