Monday 4 February 2013

Love is Health And Safety. BLOG 9

   Don't cheat,don't send the wrong signal.And if you aren't cheating,do not send the wrong vibes of a cheater.There are goaty Dudes OUT THERE who enjoys giving a negative impression to their spouse,perhaps knowingly and un-knowingly.The same is practiced by some ladies.Its ain't a mono-gender practice,its simply individualised.What is the point of having a prolong,incessant calls from the opposite sex for no justifiable conversation? it is un-called for,silly and extremely a coward practice.Awful as it may,these callers aren't recognisable ,known friends/relatives to the couple.Any wise and focused couple 'll ensure their friends are for both of them,no boundaries.Only a Crocodile and Kaganroo dundee couple will separate their friends which can give room for a future shady deals/loopholes.Unknown calls to any member of a serious relationship is not healthy.It creates smell a rat suspicion,disrespect,back and fort deliberations and confusion in the head of a partner.I put all these possibilities on the table irrespective of the fact that you are possibly the most reliable and faithful partner in the globe.
   Do not bluff this off as the write up of a jealous,sensitive partner,put yourself in a vulnerable position and assume the hurt or calmness of  such feeling.When you have your outcome,then come back to us to give your verdict.Truth here is its got absolutely nothing to do with the personal experience of the writer.This writer do not give a monkey,monkey is even too whole,the writer do not give a rat about silly bimbo cheaters.The writers view is all about microscopy and forensic reflections as regards the lives of the not so-close acquittances and street credibility acts.Its always a pleasure to be in a position where one can yak and profer suggestions about adult life.It is a common phenomenon in this present age to see people breaking up and down in tears.Funny enough it is not always about the economic add-on base i.e comfort,job,pay package,generosity,care,calm persona.In most cases a quarter of the time it is about distrust and disrespect,overcrowdedness of the relationship i.e no personal space,extended fam.
   The above basis becomes even more crucial when the couple have inter-tribal languages.Infact in my cheeky opine,inter-tribal language barrier in relationships is what will cause the next World War popularly classed as the 3rd World War.We all know that its a common thing nowadays to see people from varying ethno-racial background in relationships of diverse kinds.This is why i have decided in my closet to do with my white race background only,because am not so sure if i can handle some of the heavy duty professional black women with their back-side lane like a well built aero-dynamic automobile.But jokes apart,ethno-racial and inter-tribal relationships are great,it is a milestone in achieving the globalisation of the human race.Be that as it may,could you imagine a partner been suspicious of her spouse even in the face of such language barrier? i 'll leave you to imagine the resolve of that dilly-dally.
    Whats the point of one individual partner keeping it real,close and personal,while the other partner is un-standardised and all day,all night chatty-boxy? instead of been fairly courteous to work and concentrate on the relationship.This piece isn't a sexist blame as i mentioned at the early paragraphs,i did like re-emphasise that point.Come to think of it,it depends on an individuals integrity.There is no need emphasing on the reality that all adults as human beings are full of flaws.
    Suffice to also mention in this writing, of certain scenario,whereby one of the partners in a relationship(Marriage,boy/girl friend,gay/lesbian,wankers-no that's mono) is feeling and acting as the boss,very talibanic in style and bravado at all times.The partner act as a taliban arrogant brat,for all the wrong reasons in the relationship at all issues, all the time too.Never listen,just full-on selfishly all-dictated.Forgetting that individuals should as a matter of relevance feel equal rights, as well as no boss.Apparently one must be the leader with a bit of humility and a taste for listening to the other view.Fairplay is significant to both parties,where there is fairness there is a guarantee of a long lasting future.To share equal views on a dialoguing content and platform is  practically peaceful and refreshing.It also prevent a situation whereby no particular party can blame the other when a decision goes astray.It 'll simply be realised that the decision was an agreement by both parties,therefore it will be concluded as one that was what it was and never met to be.Both partners will respect the view that none of them was put or left in the dark about individual opinion.The entire package was open to discourse,signed,sealed and compassionately delivered as a couple.
     It is imperative to spell out that if the final decision was compartmentalised by one of the partners,i guess there will be an apportioned blame if the decision couldn't deliver  for the couple.That could spell doom for the couple and readily concluded as an illicit affair.Well,hopefully couple and single individuals will enjoy these plenty vibes from me.Am just a lay writer.People need to be aware that it is o.k and fair to have as many friends as possible as you may fit,deem necessary as you can.But in realistic and pragmatic fairness you may have to guide the number of opposite sex who have your private mobile numbers.This is essentially pertinent if you sincerely like,love your relationship.If anyone can easily ring/dial you frequently in the privacy of your partner,then you may do good to your life by giving a prostitute,the likes of pimp workers your mobile number to call you as at whenever they feel like doin' so,even past midnight hours possibly for a free non-paying pole dance.I like to believe that if you are a honey lover you can't  possibly do that.Neither will you do a thing as giving out the number without first thinking of the implications.
    People in serious relationships need to be serious as simple as the word implies.That cannot be a rocket science to understand,it is what it is.On the otherhand if your relationship/marriage is not so cool and you see it as a porridge,then you might not bother  about safe guarding it like Health and Safety regulations.Incessant and random violation of boundaries in family life and other relationships is like a prolific and habitual sex addict that shoots his gun in any direction without the use of Condoms.The imperatives of 'CD' as my medical reps friends call it cannot be over-emphasized.As a prolific shooter it is a matter of importance that one must also be a proficient user of CD,otherwise you are truly jumping the gun and the bullet.Therefore i 'll say that constantly violating the territorial boundaries of your partner is precisely kin to a cheater that constantly shoots her apple or his gun (as the case maybe) without the use of a 'CD' player.Just wondering if we are now solving a mathematical dy/dx?
      Still on about safe play.Individuals should come down from their high horse as this is really important.Just make your home safe,it is not a sign of popularity to jump around.As adults everyone know about phone sex,don't we?hmm.Am not goin' any further down that route.It is a very dangerous conversation to start and finish,but very important too,i can state that am not goin' down that route because it can pull down some walls to volatile exposures.I guess you are poping out your eyes and ears to read through such rumpy,pumpy,sumptous and randy reading meal.
       I found out that when people don't have a common and often spoken language that can be undestood by both individuals,what it basically means is that the relationship do not have a language and it also further explains that there is no lines of communication by both parties.In such a typical crucial case it is good for the couple to speak the universal language:love and secondly english language,because its easy.That automatically transforms to a Health and Safety measure for the relationship to thrive and survive for a long time.
  Hey is anyone out there in the universe.Can i go to bed now?
          Signing out.....KINGS omozore./// The not-so relationship writer.Lord Jesus Christ,thank you!

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