Saturday 9 February 2013

Wanna be's of the Next Life. BLOG 11

      Once upon per time @ meal time with colleagues.The main meal and dessert was so yummy that everyone started going hyperactive as if we were all drunk with the sumptous meal even though there was no alcohol or whatsoever in the cooked meal and drinks.I can say i own up to be blamed,because i was the cause of the whole  belly bottom laughter and guesses about what do you wanna be when you come back to life?
       One lady immediately jumped up and said,she did love to comeback as a super Eagle, another lady said she will be absolutely delighted to come back as an Ant loading up food for storage,no food bills.The male colleague who was sitting so close to me said he will like to come back to earth as a scary long necked Giraffe because he is a die-hard cultural man for halloween,he loves to have fun but with no responsibilty.His buddy next to him claimed so vehemently that he will be more than happy to be back as a Pimp, because he will cherish to see and make money on some women  been 'fired up' by good paid men who likes to have 'bedmatics' value for their money.I remember a female colleague wearing red gown,saying she is a huge fan of Elephants and will therefore like to be a giant Elephant creature in her second coming if she is ever allowed to come back, because she has done so much evil on earth;one time she set fire in her bedroom due to the fact that her husband is  useless and hopeless in bed. A male senior colleague said he will like to come as the fearlessly bold Lion who lords over all other animals, because he has suffered so much in this first coming that before he had the current job,he was a dirty Bin man for 10 years since high school days,smelling all sorts of environmental sewages.Another said she will be glad to come as a colourful Butterfly, just gliding in the the air;with nothing to worry about.A colleague took the adorable stand of coming as an Angel, peaceful and appearing close to God to which quite a number of us screamed and reminded her of how mischievious she has been in this initial one. Another staff would love to come as a Snake simply biting his enemies,all his enemies including his grumpy neighbour as the first major target.Well i was shocked to hear all these horrible things they would love to come back in their next life, if they ever come in the first place.Just as i was sobering over the thought of their silly animal coming backs including Apes,they demanded that i must declare what i will want to come back as.Funny enough i reassured them all, that i will be more than grateful to God to come back as me,a better meeeeeee and i wondered with my witty gigling smile why on earth i will  want to come back as a stupid animal because of bills e.t.c.They  consequently went laughing out loud with some falling off their seat and a handful laughed with a bit of hesitation as if, they did not understand why  someone wouldn't love to come as a docile animal.
         Well, am not sure if i have forgiven a Dog, got me rethinking now.As a fan,i respect dogs as living creatures of nature world.The natural world of animals including Dogs helps the carbon,nitrogen cycle which helps all human in turns.But here is the trouble,even though i am a fan of Dogs i don't think i will say hypocritically that i love Dogs,i am very much aware that they can do a lot for man i.e the awesome job of leading the way for the blind, rescue missions for safety and other special needs for human.Great job indeed, without the shadow of  doubt.The thing is am not just convinced that they are man's best friend.Maybe Birds like Parrot,Dove, and rodents ; whatever class Squirrels  belong.Squirrels can be best suited for that enviable grandeured position.My dislike and discomfort,and sum total lack of reliance on Dogs stems way back to the early 1980s, a dear cousin of mine had this most amiable, friendly and personalised to say the least of a cordial relationship with his Dog.This cousin was named J, as i won't want to give his full named profile; it will bring back immediately sad memories to family members.For no just cause or reason, the Dog bite my cousin and before he was rushed to the specialist hospital,my dearest cousin  was gone......the rest is a pathetic,long distressed history.He was born the same year as me.That is where my distrust, somewhat-dislike about Dogs stems it root from.To this day i never trusted a Dog ,even a gorgeously docile puppy.Chihuahua is a fan Dog to me, but i don't love it enough to allow it jump on my bed, naaaaah never ! Now i am still wondering ,right up to this moment if i have forgiven Dogs and its line of pedigree as well as progeny.Possibly i have forgiven Dogs generally especially due to the fact that forgiveness is a major tenent in christianity which is my way of life afterall. But the memories ? Oops is still fresh , ever fresh like a scar ! R.I.P J !!
          Just back to complete this publication.Do you know that , i actually left this blogging for 2 hours and only came back after having to wipe up my tears from the last paragraph.It genuinely got me teary and moody, and i don't ever do moods; so rare.Please in the next life , don't come back as a Dog (most specifically the dare-devil vicious looking ones).Am a little fan of Staffordshire Bullterrier . Because i still can't rely on them as man's best buddies. Do come back  in the likes of Elephants, Dolphins(highly intelligent,scientifically proven to be  4%  less in  I.Q  than Human beings).Alright,what about you trying to come back as a racing Horse, a world class entertainer; an olympian Horse.Lets go a little bit cheeky ,who will like to come back as the taxman?? and the other nicest one - the car park ticketer??? At least you are contributing to both the treasury and the community....not bad for a possible bonus culture job.''init''.
            Am outta here.....Cheers ! Don't drink too much this weekend; boozing is evil. Evil? Yeah,yeah,yeah !
                               KINGS omozore.


  1. This is one of my favourites so far!!

  2. Ok many thanks,but am curious to ask you; what would you prefer to come back to life as? Am genuinely and hilariously desperate to know this...c'mon now give it please

  3. Same as you I s'pose, when I think about it. Me more evolved...and in my full force to be an aligned being on earth. Sad about your cousin...sorry.
