Saturday 2 February 2013

Birthday Thank You's...BLOG 8

        I did made 3 times effort to send my thank you BD speech through my facebook, but due to some unforseen computer related insanity on its part,i couldn't.Spaning over 4 good hrs,pure computed madness!
        Can I just say:Thank you and thank you to all my friends and family for your expressions of lovely thoughts.It's because of peeps like you,that's why there is hope ,that we all can make a better world.Well its not necessarily about a speech,it's basically a thank you & thank you message.
         Perhaps you saw on MSN News in the last 24 hrs about a medically confirmed dead 101 yrs old woman,who suddenly woke up and said:Hello There! That is a celebrtion of life and a true people person,she certainly love people;she ain't through yet.
         Know some east europeans who told me they don't celebrate birthdays since they are wonder the meanings of the abbreviations,ha,ha,ha...Jehoval's Witness.So I asked them what do they celebrate? They replied:food.I told them food is clearly a part of birthdays.'Dem say see oyinbo,you say see vicar'.These interesting fellas also often ask me too,how come many kids die of food & starvation in Africa? and yet Africans in Europe/Americas claim there are plenty organic foods in Africa?. I replied that the reason is because the various African state govt cannot be bothered to technologically make the food production en masse to the affordability and reach of everyone.Q.E.D answer isn't?
         Well let me encourage everyone to visit my blog:AmNotKIDDingami?.And kindly feel free to make your comments.I am not a journalist,I never trained as one and i won't pretend to be one.I just write for the fun of it and try to be objective as much as i can,sometimes its mere imagination.So help me by your candid comments and put your name so i may appreciate you more if i know you or do not know you,i wont feel offended.Am pretty sure you hear peeps say:When they get pushed to the wall,then they get angry.But mine practically takes a lot,you will basically have to do the hardwork of pushing me ACROSS the wall inorder to get me started and then angry.
         There's more interesting and loaded stuff to come by His grace.Am simply a witty,eccentric and objective writer,the excellence spirit of God's presence in me gives me insights and inspirations,i feel really humbled to share thoughts and experiences.We got to raise the bar and make Africa and Nigeria's image proud again,that's why we do what we do.We need to start creating a PR stunt and media machinery to help us get our acts together,because if we don't do it;nobody will do it for us.Take a hindsight against the mega-speed of destruction of Africa & Nigeria's image by the political rulers in African countries,suffice to say a lot of fellow Africans humbly look up to Nigeria who sadly and shamefully is not delivering at all,not even for it's own people.
         Many innocent Africans/Nigerians are suffering in Africa and in the diaspora viz-a-viz some are dieing slowly,some  dead already,many have become destitutes,others have resulted in subtle prostitition.There has to be a media machinery to bring some/all of these cronies to their CONSCIENCE and consequently pave the way for a new generation of CITIZEN CENTRED POLITICS both in Nigeria and Africa on the broader perspective.This is not theoretical philosophy,we can do it and we will get there by God's grace.
         The civil rights movement in America was a pathetic experience historically,but it gave birth to a reformed and regenerated America.The civil right movement culminated in the seed birth of the John Harold Johnson's (1918-2005) Negro Digest,The Tan and ultimately the Ebony and Jet Magazines.John Harold Johnson of Arkansas City,was the grandson of a slave.His various publications some of whom became listed in Fortune 500 company in America started by mere passion to free himself and fellow generation of African-Americans from poverty and relegation in the society.By the mid 1960's his publications then became a major force to reckon with the emancipation of the black race till date in America.Even now it is covering black Africans the world over,check out BET tv.It's all about passion,drive,purpose and SERVICE to humanity,and of course to the Almighty God.
         Can anyone imagine how the statelessness of Nigeria has caused prostitutes in Nigeria to declare one week of free sex to the Eagles team? That's just a complex case of mental dereliction and delusion.You may ask why? It is because the support of government is not enough,so the clueless prostitutes are volunteering to help with the only way they know.Ahhh Jesus Christ hope you are  coming soonest,soon seems far,soonest is fastest! It's more like an evil society,badest society because of  many yrs of un-structured government.
         Let me give y'all a quick crazy realistic joke.Have you ever imagined why black peeps in Europe/Americas stare at you for several minutes,even though they are seeing you for the first time ever?.It's due to their thinking:Wow,bros how many rivers & oceans did you cross to get here?You must be the worlds greatest migrator.Frankly they don't  mean any 'territorial' threat,they are simply saying in their mind,''how stupid are we (both of us) to leave the sunshine and come to the cold arid regions of the world,''na u waka pass o oga,wetin u dey find? eh, gold or antelope,dem dey Africa,mumu like us''.LOL

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